Originally posted by Andrew Slater
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It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostWhat's New, sorted by last update, shows the latest post in Stormy Weather to be by Old Grumpy, yesterday, though on looking at the thread there have been two since.
The thread is at the top of the page though!
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
Indeed, my London thunderstorm report has not yet registered as New - but this post has!!. It may be to do with the system cache, but I don't know what that is.
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
Well, this is posted on the correct thread. It may be to do with the system cache, but I don't know what that is.
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Hello, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but I can’t find anything. The most useful aspects of the old board for me were the What’s New feature showing all activity since last looking, with option to jump to last post read, and end of thread, together with the mobile ‘skin’, which made everything easier to read. I’m lost without these tbh. Thank you so much for continuing the board, but I have absolutely no idea how to use this one.
Originally posted by muzzer View PostHello, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but I can’t find anything. The most useful aspects of the old board for me were the What’s New feature showing all activity since last looking, with option to jump to last post read, and end of thread, together with the mobile ‘skin’, which made everything easier to read. I’m lost without these tbh. Thank you so much for continuing the board, but I have absolutely no idea how to use this one.
On a mobile, you tap the three short parallel lnes on the left and the What's New? option is offered.
[Not sure this is the same on a mobile. Latest Activity setting: top right of the homepage, from the dropdown under your username, choose User Settings, then the tab Account (the tabs are Profile Account Privacy Notifications). You don't need to enter any of your details - just scroll down to Conversation Detail Options/ Display Mode and choose Latest Activity rather than Posts.]
In other news, vBulletin have offered us a free upgradeto vB6. Andrew has downloaded it but we're not planning a further forum upgrade just yet.
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
Good morning muzzer. I think there's a 'close enough' option. The What's New button lists each of the most recent topics/threads with the latest topic at the top. With my setting of 'Latest Activity' (see below) I don't find the little blue icon ('Go to last post') goes to last post; instead I click on the thread title to the left which takes me to most recent post at the top of the page. Admittedly, you might have to scroll down to find the last post that you'd read, but unless there'd been a fiendish amount of activity you wouldn't have to scroll far.
On a mobile, you tap the three short parallel lnes on the left and the What's New? option is offered.
[Not sure this is the same on a mobile. Latest Activity setting: top right of the homepage, from the dropdown under your username, choose User Settings, then the tab Account (the tabs are Profile Account Privacy Notifications). You don't need to enter any of your details - just scroll down to Conversation Detail Options/ Display Mode and choose Latest Activity rather than Posts.]
In other news, vBulletin have offered us a free upgradeto vB6. Andrew has downloaded it but we're not planning a further forum upgrade just yet.
Altering my settings as you suggested has made getting to the most recent activity much better - except if I log in having done a "What's New" beforehand(as may happen when I see something I want to reply to), when for some reason "Latest Activity" doesn't activate and I have to go to the bottom of the page to change the page number. Fortunately it's only that first try that needs prodding, after that things go as they should.
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
This is a feature I'm still struggling with as I am not permanently logged in and it behaves differently between the two states.I use the computer. If I failed to find something with the mobile, I resort to the computer.
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
We all do things differently. I log in to my computer each morning, then I need a second password to navigate the internet, so I don't feel the need to log out of the forum and log back in again with a third password. Makes life much easier! Mobile is not for extended use at any activity at all: time, date, weather, quick check on new emails/texts (none)/family What'sApp and various other apps briefly throughout the day. Once I settle down to serious 'work'I use the computer. If I failed to find something with the mobile, I resort to the computer.
Originally posted by HighlandDougie View PostP.S. Being a bit thick, can anyone explain to me how to navigate to the latest set of posts if one wants to add a new post, other than by endlessly clicking the forward arrow?It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
I'm not quite sure where you're starting from, HD. The What's New? view gives you the list of topics which have the most recent posts (as I write the latest is JazzRook's at 13.28). All the topics which have posts which I haven't already read are marked in bold. I decide which topic I want to read and click the topic's subject title on the left hand side. All I have to do is scroll down (or up depending on your setting) to see which ones I haven't read. I'm not clear why you would need to endlessly click the forward arrow at all?
Although I'm mostly getting it right now I confess I still get caught out by what seem like inconsistencies such as the page numbering not always being 1 as oldest; I know there has been an explanation as to why this happens but I'm afraid it still catches me out, as the old set-up stayed the same. Something that still trips me up is logging in after starting to look at the open access material as that does mess things up by not implementing the latest activity option, so it's a trip to the bottom of the page to get to whatever number is at the opposite end to where I've landed - a destination that could be years adrift from today's date...
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
Oh, this has gone into programming gobbleydegook, so I can't read all that you have written FF?
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post, but I wonder(not having done my due diligence to find out if this has already been mentioned to HD) if this is a case of altering settings to ensure that the latest activity appears on the page you land on, that I had difficulty with?
Originally posted by oddoneout View PostSomething that still trips me up is logging in after starting to look at the open access material as that does mess things up by not implementing the latest activity option, so it's a trip to the bottom of the page to get to whatever number is at the opposite end to where I've landed - a destination that could be years adrift from today's date...
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
I don't think the What's New? view, listing the topics with the recent posts, the most recent one at the top, is affected by whether you have the POSTS or LATEST ACTIVITY setting (due diligence suggests that is correct): that affects the order in which the posts within a topic are listed - newest at the top (Latest activity) or Posts which has the OP at the top. and shows the User Profile box with member status, join date, number of posts.
That shouldn't happen if you set the Display Mode to Latest Activity via your User Settings. From what you say, I think Posts must be the default which is overridden by altering the User Setting.
Most of your text was deconstructed into what I always assume is code - a series of characters and digits.
Something which should happen, or not, isn't necessarily what does happen or not! It's the inactive "latest activity" priority that's the most irritating as if I suddenly get the urge to reply to something and don't go the long way round to login so that I can post, it's a faff to get to where I need to be, all the while risking losing track of what it was I wanted to post. The old setup didn't put such obstacles in my way. It's taking a while to get into the habit of just logging in anyway, even if I don't expect to post, to avoid that glitch, as I've had too many years of not needing to do so and old habits die hard as this habit wearer gets older - and more easily confused when things don't go as expected...
Originally posted by oddoneout View PostMost of your text was deconstructed into what I always assume is code - a series of characters and digits.
Originally posted by oddoneout View PostSomething which should happen, or not, isn't necessarily what does happen or not! It's the inactive "latest activity" priority that's the most irritating as if I suddenly get the urge to reply to something and don't go the long way round to login so that I can post,
I put a password on my computer and a primary password on my browser to hinder any potential malefactors. If they get past those two, I'm not too worried about them looking at my forum account or posting in my name on the benefits of Brexit and the excellence of the current government.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.