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  • Simon

    I take it you'll be carrying out similar actions with Simon's bullying posts, Frenchie?
    I can't find the origin of this post.

    But please - don't worry frenchie about this. Just show me "bullying" posts that I have made - or even sharply-worded replies - that have not been in response to either a personal attack on me or a completely indefensible or abhorrent remark, and I'll remove them myself.

    What I expect you mean, however, are those posts where I wiped the floor with some silly arguments from people whose views you are inclined to support. You don't like that, and you have no logical answer, so you whine that I'm bullting you. Sad.
    Last edited by Guest; 27-03-11, 23:00.


    • Simon

      whether in fun or not...
      Oh I don't think that there was any doubt that the thread was certainly intended not to be in fun.

      It took them by surprise, though, that so many found it abhorrent, irrespective of whether they agree in general with my political/religious views or not. That didn't surprise me though, having enjoyed so many good discussions with so many of you.

      Though I couldn't see the unpleasant posts, I am grateful for the clear fair-mindedness of so many, which is indeed a credit to this forum.

      Personally, I would have preferred the thread to stay, as a witness to the behaviour and spite of three posters, but there we go. I certainly wasn't going to respond to it.

      I have the three people involved on "ignore" now - as I have had two of them for ages. It hasn't stopped one of them following me about, but maybe now they will desist and stop making attacks against me, rather than against the points I make.

      I look forward to peaceful posting in the future.

      bws to all



      • Simon

        From John B

        I have little time for Simon's deliberate baiting of people who don't agree with him.
        And how much time do you have for the deliberate baiting of Simon by the people who don't agree with him? Or do you only see one side?

        Point taken?


        • barber olly

          Originally posted by french frank View Post
          It hasn't been wiped from the face of the earth and if there was a strong feeling from the community that it should be restored, I would restore it.
          Should I be bothered! Having no clue about the original source I just saw the heading deletion and thought it must be something to do with a now no longer available recording. As a relative newcomer to the boards I think its time for an early bath!


          • Mr Pee
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3285

            Originally posted by johnb View Post
            On the other hand, I also intensely dislike the targetting of one individual by others.
            Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

            Mark Twain.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              "Though I couldn't see the unpleasant posts, I am grateful for the clear fair-mindedness of so many, which is indeed a credit to this forum.

              Personally, I would have preferred the thread to stay, as a witness to the behaviour and spite of three posters,"

              It's the legendary psychic ability of Nutwood again !!! (you know the same one that hasn't listened to any music by Stockhausen BUT knows exactly why its all a load of rubbish and a "con")

              with such a remarkable ability to know that things are "unpleasant" without being able to read them ............

              i'm going to forward this on to Jon Ronson as I loved The Men Who Stare at Goats

              and now i'll shut up


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                "Though I couldn't see the unpleasant posts, I am grateful for the clear fair-mindedness of so many, which is indeed a credit to this forum.

                Personally, I would have preferred the thread to stay, as a witness to the behaviour and spite of three posters,"

                It's the legendary psychic ability of Nutwood again !!! (you know the same one that hasn't listened to any music by Stockhausen BUT knows exactly why its all a load of rubbish and a "con")

                with such a remarkable ability to know that things are "unpleasant" without being able to read them ............

                i'm going to forward this on to Jon Ronson as I loved The Men Who Stare at Goats

                and now i'll shut up
                Did you see the fillum based on the book, MrGG?

                I thought that it was very funny


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6531

                  Okaaay, words are baaaad !....Okaaay....:cool2:
                  bong ching


                  • Mr Pee
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3285

                    I do not wish to get drawn into the personalised sniping that some posters here seem to enjoy, and which was the reason for the closure of Flosshilde's thread, but I have to ask, Mr GG, Flossie, and the few others who seem to spend an inordinate amount of time indulging their hissy fits with Simon, why not just take a leaf out of his book and "Ignore"?

                    That way we'd be spared these tedious bouts of name-calling, and you wouldn't have to get so vexed by reading his posts.

                    We'd all win!
                    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                    Mark Twain.


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                      I do not wish to get drawn into the personalised sniping that some posters here seem to enjoy, and which was the reason for the closure of Flosshilde's thread, but I have to ask, Mr GG, Flossie, and the few others who seem to spend an inordinate amount of time indulging their hissy fits with Simon, why not just take a leaf out of his book and "Ignore"?

                      That way we'd be spared these tedious bouts of name-calling, and you wouldn't have to get so vexed by reading his posts.

                      We'd all win!
                      I'm not "vexed" at all
                      but am due for a humourectomy later this month
                      so will let you know !

                      and like I said "Ignoring" people is hardly the way to have a conversation is it ?
                      though some seem to be able to know what others are saying via some sort of strange telekenisis !


                      • StephenO

                        This is a thread that could run and run - unfortunately .

                        I don't often agree with Simon's views but, as someone else once put far more eloquently, I do agree with his right to express them, and the right of other MBers to disagree with him. But then, as another of "them there Lib Dems", I suppose I would say that!


                        • johnb
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 2903

                          Originally posted by StephenO View Post
                          I don't often agree with Simon's views but, as someone else once put far more eloquently, I do agree with his right to express them, and the right of other MBers to disagree with him.
                          I agree with that in principal with one important proviso - that the person expressing the views is doing so with the genuine desire to engage in a discussion and not with the deliberate intention of riling other contributors and creating a conflagration.

                          Despite that proviso, I loath and detest the targeting and singling out of one individual for taunts and jibes.


                          • Bryn
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 24688

                            johnb and Stephen0, when Simon signed up for these boards he declared an intention not to engage in just the sort of posting activity which has characterised his messages here in the past few weeks. Though he has shown himself quite unable to give as good as he gets, he does, perhaps all too often, get what he asks for.

                            As for Lib Dems, my personal experience of the fortunately frustrated attempts at ultra vires interference in the remuneration arrangements for sabbatical officers of the then Middlesex Polytechnic Students' Union by the current Minister of State for the Armed Forces (this was at the time of Baker Education Reform Act) serves me well in making me very wary of the moral and legal integrity of such people. Damn it, he even drafted the constitution he was trying to act in contravention of. Funnily enough it was a Tory on the Finance Committee who exposed the illegitimacy of said current minister's actions at that time.

                            That said, I always found the erstwhile Lib Dem MP for Montgomeryshire a thoroughly decent cove in what dealings I had with him around the same period. Whatever happened to him, I wonder?


                            • Chris Newman
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 2100


                              When I attended NUS conferences we had just seen the passing of Mr Straw (the perpetual student) into the wildernesses of Westminster. Still, we were exhilharated by the utterances of President Charles Clarke (ZZZZZ), the shrillery from Sue Slipperson (as we Libs called her, demanding equality: I suffered the same fate ) and the rantings of Al Stewart. The latter calmed down and took to reading the news.

                              Back to the topic. I do not mind leg pulls but much as I strongly disagree with many of the thoughts from Simon (does he think where politics are concerned?) I do not wish to be party of recent threads that go beyond humour.


                              • Bryn
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 24688

                                Chris, perhaps I should clarify that that that time the current Minister of State for the Armed Forces was not a student. He was a legal professional, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate from the SDP wing, with at least one defeat behid him, and member of Middlesex Polytechnic Students' Union's Election Committee. It was that committee's remit which he was seeking to act beyond. I was functioning as the Mature Students' Union Sec. for the South East Region and member of the Middlesex Polytechnic Students' Union's Finance Committee, within whose remit the decisions he was seeking to prevent actually fell.

