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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30903


    I may be a year or so behind the times here, but I don't see the calendar events showing up on the homepage (under What's Going On?) at the bottom of the page. It used to show a week's upcoming events for the Proms. It looks as if the access at the moment is just through the Calendar tab on the homepage sub-nav bar - Who's online - Member list - Calendar. I can't immediately see how to add the homepage current events. Will investigate.
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
  • bluestateprommer
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3038

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    I may be a year or so behind the times here, but I don't see the calendar events showing up on the homepage (under What's Going On?) at the bottom of the page. It used to show a week's upcoming events for the Proms. It looks as if the access at the moment is just through the Calendar tab on the homepage sub-nav bar - Who's online - Member list - Calendar. I can't immediately see how to add the homepage current events. Will investigate.
    To be honest, until you mentioned it, I didn't think to look at the bottom of the Forum home page for the list of the most recent 3 Calendar events, as in the past. However, I do see that on the farthest-left hand column, under "Latest Topics" and "Trending", a given Calendar entry / Prom discussion thread will show up, when the click stats apparently justify its presence. Someone who knows code like Andrew S. probably understands the issue better than anyone else here of why this is happening. Maybe something about the new software, tied to the fact that the Calendar entries also generate discussion threads, blocks the generation of that old "mini list" of 3 summary Calendar listing as in the past. It's a trade-off that I, for one, can live with.

    All that aside, and not that anyone was paying attention to the mind-numbingly tedious details ;) , but regarding this newest iteration of Forum Calendar entries / Proms discussion threads, just some overall summary points:

    1. The standard bsp-ish quirks and oddities from past years apply, e.g. no running times for works; including "Proms debut artist / ensemble" and "first performance at The Proms" where appropriate. However, I have included Interval to indicate more clearly a concert's interval, unlike in previous years where it was just a blank line. In some cases, like the JJO / Il Pomo d'Oro Late Night Prom, or the Kanneh-Masons' Prom, where there are a multitude of shorter selections, I've put in blank lines between each selection to make the list more visually pleasing. In the case of the Nick Drake Prom, I put in double blank lines before and after Interval to demarcate the concert's two halves more clearly.

    2. One addition to the entries is that I've now added the R3 and BBC FOUR page links for each Prom, where feasible (more of a challenge for the BBC FOUR, since these are not necessarily on the same date as the given Prom), in addition to the standard BBC Proms and RAH page / Glasshouse / Newport / other outside-of-London venues to come links for each concert. This is in an effort to make each Calendar entry / Prom discussion thread as much of a "one-stop shop" for each Prom as possible, where all links to all on-line content for each Prom can be accessed from a single page.

    3. I will also continue to archive the encores in each Calendar entry. Likewise, I'll try to make the playlists / "set lists" for the more crossover Proms as complete as possible, e.g. where I slightly one-upped the BBC's listings by including the instrumental selections that opened each half of the Nick Drake Prom.

    4. Slight FYI: any Proms which are duplicates, like the more family-oriented Proms (e.g. CBeebies, the Doctor Who Prom down the line), will only have the Prom which the BBC will actually relay in the Calendar. So there will be some number skips in the overall roster, and not every single numbered Prom will be listed.

    Will be happy to correct any errors and updates that pop up as the season goes on. Between Andrew S.'s 2-column and 3-column pdf listings and the Forum Calendar, I think that we have all bases covered on Proms information.


    • eighthobstruction
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 6559

      ....thank you bluestateprommer for the work you have done towards informing us of this seasons information....thanks you pushed the boat out and even got me interested more than usual....and all other forum members involved in roll out....
      bong ching


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30903

        Yes, indeed, thank you bsp for all the detailed work. I guess it was (one of) the forum upgrade(s) that discontinued the foot of page upcoming concerts. I can't find any specific queries about the change but there may be a module that can be added. I have done that (added a module) but have now forgotten how to and I fear fiddling may befuddle me and I'll do something catascrophulous.
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • edashtav
          Full Member
          • Jul 2012
          • 3681

          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
          ....thank you bluestateprommer for the work you have done towards informing us of this seasons information....thanks you pushed the boat out and even got me interested more than usual....and all other forum members involved in roll out....
          Well written.
          Thank you, bsp.

