We're currently sorting out how this will be done following the unforeseen confusions last year over the forum upgrade. Last year Alpie produced his usual concert listings and bluestateprommer as usual populated the calendar with concert details (duly showing up at the bottom of the homepage).
Unfortunately, the new software was automatically generating new forum threads from bsp's entries, duplicating alpie's threads. In order to avoid having two identical threads going I was systematically deleting the automatic threads which at the same time deleted bsp's calendar entries. Too many cooks none of whom fully understood what the others were doing.
As usual, there will be no need for members to start their own threads on individual concerts. We'll move as quickly as possible to get things up and running efficiently in the next few days.
Unfortunately, the new software was automatically generating new forum threads from bsp's entries, duplicating alpie's threads. In order to avoid having two identical threads going I was systematically deleting the automatic threads which at the same time deleted bsp's calendar entries. Too many cooks none of whom fully understood what the others were doing.
As usual, there will be no need for members to start their own threads on individual concerts. We'll move as quickly as possible to get things up and running efficiently in the next few days.