News International phone-hacking trial

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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30806

    Cameron takes 'full responsibility' for employing him
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


    • ahinton
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 16123

      Originally posted by french frank View Post
      Cameron takes 'full responsibility' for employing him
      I heard him say so on the news. I wonder, however, just how far (or not) he will take that responsibility in practice; for the Prime Minister to make so grave an error of judgement, especially in the light of having received reliable advice to the contrary, is surely something for which such an admission and an apology hardly suffices...


      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20586

        Politicians, like bankers, find it very easy to apologise these days.


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30806

          Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
          Politicians, like bankers, find it very easy to apologise these days.
          They have plenty of opportunities to practise.
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • french frank
            • Feb 2007
            • 30806

            Lots and lots of opportunities.

            "I take full responsibility. I employed him. I shouldn't have done. It was a bad decision. I was given assurances and I said I would apologise if those assurances proved wrong and I do so now, unreservedly."

            "What questions, exactly, did you ask him about phone hacking.?

            "I asked him about phone hacking, he gave me assurances and I gave him a second chance. I shouldn't have employed him. It was wrong and I apologise. One thing I should say is that no one ever complained about the work he did for me, in opposition or in No. 10."

            "Did you ask him what he knew about Clive Goodman and ...?"

            "Look, I'm quite clear about this. I made a bad decision. I said I would apologise fully and frankly. I was wrong and I apologise."

            "Do you feel that this reflects on you at all and your judgement ...?"

            "I made a wrong decision. I employed him and I shouldn't have done and I'm sorry. I apologise. But let me say that no one ever complained about the work he did for me &c &c"

            END OF INTERVIEW - not an exact transcript, just an artist's impression :-)
            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by french frank View Post
              "Look, I'm quite clear about this. I made a bad decision. I said I would apologise fully and frankly. I was wrong and I apologise."
              FFS what a load of cr*p
              wriggling away like the slimeball he is

              What on earth does

              "Look, I'm quite clear about this" mean anyway ?

              "ooops I got found out" ?


              • P. G. Tipps
                Full Member
                • Jun 2014
                • 2978

                The British Prime Minister obviously has been studiously practising that apology of an apology .. probably in front of a mirror .. for some time.

                Whilst I've always been reluctant to join in the verbal "kicking' of a man when he is clearly on the floor (yes, even a leading politician!)) it is impossible to feel any sympathy for Mr Cameron in this awesomely self-destructive affair.

                Never mind the valueless 'assurances" given by Mr Coulson which seem to be the Prime Minister's one and only line of defence. I remember thinking that when the former editor of the NOTW had been first appointed to his role at No 10 that the very hiring of a man with such a shabby journalistic CV displayed a worrying sign of either a huge flaw in character or quite astounding political naivety. Even without the phone-hacking revelations that was the time I began to seriously wonder about Mr Cameron's suitability for high office.

                Mr Cameron can talk a very good talk without a doubt but, as is now being clearly and embarrassingly demonstrated in European affairs, there is little substance behind any of it, and our some of our very-close allies have long seen through the bluster and are now treating him with ill-disguised derision. I suppose he'll simply end up with a sweetie and patronising little pat on the head from his 'close friend' Angela and then return to claim a huge victory for himself and the UK. That certainly seems to be the way things are currently going, as if any serious observer really expected anything else.

                Anyway, that's another story ... but what a morale-booster for the Labour Party and a veritable lifeline for the 'already-on-the-floor' Mr Miliband. PMQT today should be more interesting than usual.


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  Originally posted by P. G. Tipps View Post
                  Whilst I've always been reluctant to join in the verbal "kicking' of a man when he is clearly on the floor (yes, even a leading politician!)) .
                  O go on, you know it will make you feel better. :-)

                  Are we going to get another autotune song in the Clegg style ?

                  So much for the "real world" chums.


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                    FFS what a load of cr*p
                    wriggling away like the slimeball he is

                    What on earth does

                    "Look, I'm quite clear about this" mean anyway ?

                    "ooops I got found out" ?
                    I always imagine that it means "Look this is what I remember from what we rehearsed"**

                    Oh for the days before politicians attended media-training courses

                    That wonderful piece of newsreel of Attlee walking towards his car.

                    Interviewer: "Anything to say for the newsreel Mr Attlee?"

                    Attlee (without breaking stride): "No thank you"

                    ** cross-posted with P.G.Tipps
                    Last edited by Guest; 25-06-14, 08:26. Reason: cross-post


                    • french frank
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 30806

                      And now that worm Nick Robinson is making trouble .... (interview vid is there as well).
                      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        And now that worm Nick Robinson is making trouble .... (interview vid is there as well).
                        My my, first shafting Farage and now nobbling Dave - Nick is getting gung-ho about his Summer break and handing over to Norman Smith.


                        • P. G. Tipps
                          Full Member
                          • Jun 2014
                          • 2978

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post
                          And now that worm Nick Robinson is making trouble .... (interview vid is there as well).
                          Funnily enough I've just read that article a few minutes ago.

                          I'm not a great Nick Robinson fan but he's summed things up in this case pretty well.

                          As for the stage-managed apology with the cabinet-room chairs in the background presumably intended to add an air of credibility to the words, I have this nagging suspicion that, given a Coulson acquittal, Mr Cameron may well have had an alternative speech prepared crowing that he had now been 'fully vindicated' and that he would now continue to concentrate on delivering his 'long-term economic plan' for the benefit of 'hard-working people'

                          Oh dear, I mustn't be too cynical ... it is far, far too early in the day for that!


                          • french frank
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 30806

                            Possibly a desperate throw by the Coulson camp, but still ...

                            Latest: jury discharged.
                            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30806

                              Clear sign of how low The Times has sunk - headline is Brooks being cleared, small sub-deck mentioned Coulson. One would expect nothing else from The Sun - trumpeting the 'sensational' news with a front page pic of Brooks.

                              'Phew! That's us in the clear, anyway ...'
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • Ferretfancy
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 3487

                                Originally posted by french frank View Post
                                They have plenty of opportunities to practise.
                                We seem to be living in an age where to apologise is deemed sufficient, whatever the error or crime.

                                I'm getting very tired of reading apologies, particularly when issued by the police. They beat their breasts knowing full well that nobody will be reprimanded. let alone punished.

                                But, of course, " Lessons must be learned."

