Musical Homophobia - or The Homophobia Histories

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  • MrGongGong
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 18357

    Originally posted by jean View Post
    You may not have noticed this, but quite a few heterosexual people don't like seeing homosexual people being persecuted.

    Indeed (but I probably agree with this because i've been brainwashed by lefty pseudo intellectuals and cultural marxists :WHISTLE:)


    • Beef Oven!
      • Sep 2013
      • 18147

      Originally posted by jean View Post
      You may not have noticed this, but quite a few heterosexual people don't like seeing homosexual people being persecuted.

      I do not like to see homosexual people persecuted - Indeed I have put myself at professional and physical risk resisting such discrimination down the years.

      I concede that I am not the most articulate and my choice of phrasing might be confusing sometimes, but why anyone feels needs to make comments like your last post, is beyond me (seemingly because I think that same sex marriage is a travesty and I am realistic enough to understand that the shit that the Russian elite shoves down its citizens throats, is the same shit that gets shoved down our throats, but differently flavoured).


      • Beef Oven!
        • Sep 2013
        • 18147

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
        What is the nature of this particular Weltanshauung, would you say? Altruism? The dawning that it [liberalised views of same-sexers] poses no threat to their hegemony; enlightened self-interest?
        No, certainly not altruism (not even sure human beings are actually capable of altruism). The composition of the power elite will change over time as previously powerful groups decline and are replaced. Homosexuals never had a look in before, and now their time has come. good luck to them, and may they enjoy it until the next lot (whoever they may be) come along in 50 years' time!


        • Beef Oven!
          • Sep 2013
          • 18147

          Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
          .............. and cultural marxists :WHISTLE:)
          It's strange, but whilst we have 'cultural Marxism', there's no such thing as a 'cultural Marxist'.


          • MrGongGong
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 18357

            Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
            It's strange, but whilst we have 'cultural Marxism', there's no such thing as a 'cultural Marxist'.
            Sad innit
            and "the left" so beloved of the prof doesn't exist anymore either
            good job we have Ryoji


            • Beef Oven!
              • Sep 2013
              • 18147

              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
              Sad innit
              and "the left" so beloved of the prof doesn't exist anymore either
              good job we have Ryoji
              I'm told that my Genelecs are being sent out to me on Monday. I'm thinking of pieces to Christen them with.

              Transfinite is high on the list

              Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30806

                Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                Of course I know all that, just as I knew that someone would apply an O'Level logic to it or a Venn diagram.

                The point I am making is that of hegemony. It's a heterosexual hegemony in Russia. Same-sex marriage arises in liberal democracies is a result of the power elite's weltanschauung . Same dynamic exists the world over, but often with different outcomes.

                We can't always have our own way, we must live with it!
                It was your 'GET OVER IT' (and your last comment) that I was objecting to, not attempting to teach you any sort of logic. No, we don't have to 'live with' or 'get over' situations and conditions that we think are wrong: we can close our eyes to them, but that is a choice not an imperative.
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • Beef Oven!
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 18147

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  ........we don't have to 'live with' or 'get over' situations and conditions that we think are wrong
                  We do if they occur in another country, one that we are not a citizen of. Unless someone has created a one-world new order, while I wasn't looking.


                  • ahinton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 16123

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                    We do if they occur in another country, one that we are not a citizen of. Unless someone has created a one-world new order, while I wasn't looking.
                    As I have stated previously, we are all entitled to have and express views on the behaviour of governments of other countries towards their citizens if so we wish, just as are Russians themselves about theirs; if none of us ever expressed negative views of the behaviour of other countries, human rights breaches in such countries could and would go unheeded and uncriticised other than from within those countries, yet humans are humans irrespective of their countries of origin, domicle or residence.


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                      We do if they occur in another country, one that we are not a citizen of. Unless someone has created a one-world new order, while I wasn't looking.
                      You'll be lining up at the airport to suck your teeth at Cameron when he's back from visiting the North of Sri Lanka & lecturing & threatening Pres.Mahinda Rajapaksa I hope.

                      And I presume you've done a total volte face about 'our boys' in Afghanisatan and in Iraq earlier. By your lights they shouldn't be there interfering, surely?
                      Last edited by Guest; 16-11-13, 17:06. Reason: too certain by half! - cheers ahinton


                      • ahinton
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 16123

                        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                        And I presume you've done a total volte face about 'our boys' in Afghanisatan and in Iraq earlier. By your lights they surely shouldn't be there interfering, surely?
                        Good point (apart from the repetition of "surely" which would surely earn you a buzz on Just A Minute!); were it indeed deemed generally unacceptable even to express negative views on the ways in which other countries' governments treat some of their citizens and disrespect and disregard their human right in so doing - or to petition such governments for such reasons - it must surely be vastly more unacceptable to send military troops into other countries to interfere with their conduct as though a war was in place despite none having been declared and despite those countries not having invaded the ones sending in said troops?


                        • Beef Oven!
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 18147

                          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post

                          I presume you've done a total volte face about 'our boys' in Afghanisatan and in Iraq earlier. By your lights they shouldn't be there interfering, surely?
                          Our boys shouldn't be out there. I've never believed anything other than that. No about turns from me on that. Think before you make immature remarks (you're 62 aren't you?).

                          I believe in using the military for defensive purposes.


                          • Beef Oven!
                            • Sep 2013
                            • 18147

                            Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                            Good point (apart from the repetition of "surely" which.........blah, pedant blah
                            Stupid point since it doesn't apply. In a bit of a rush to have a pop were you?

                            Check your facts. I have never advocated the use of British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact I think our involvement ranges from illegal to totally immoral.


                            • amateur51

                              Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                              Our boys shouldn't be out there. I've never believed anything other than that. No about turns from me on that. Think before you make immature remarks (you're 62 aren't you?).

                              I believe in using the military for defensive purposes.
                              So by MrPee's lights, you are not a patriot? Thanks for clearing that up.

                              You're the one who is wanting to defend inexcusable behaviour by Marine A, not me.

                              Less of the advice please - it's neither needed nor heeded, believe me. I know it must be difficult for a 'Life Coach' to switch off at the weekends, but it's not a very good advertisement.
                              Last edited by Guest; 16-11-13, 20:57.


                              • Beef Oven!
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 18147

                                Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                                As I have stated previously, we are all entitled to have and express views on the behaviour of governments of other countries towards their citizens if so we wish, just as are Russians themselves about theirs; if none of us ever expressed negative views of the behaviour of other countries, human rights breaches in such countries could and would go unheeded and uncriticised other than from within those countries, yet humans are humans irrespective of their countries of origin, domicle or residence.
                                Then at least have the good manners to leave maestro Gergiev alone.

