again the SFO reaches new depths of ineptitude
What's particularly astonishing here is not only the gaffe itself but the apparent fact that no copies were kept by SFO; do the statements that the "Serious Fraud Office has admitted accidentally sending [my italics] a huge cache of confidential documents from an investigation into Britain's biggest arms firm, BAE, to the wrong person" and that it "did not realise for up to a year that it had misplaced the material which comprised 32,000 pages of documents, 81 audio tapes and computer files" really mean that SFO sent all of these things physically in the mail, by courier or by some other means without retaining the evidence of what it had sent? - or is that French for "we actually did this deliberately to ensure that the investigation would be undermined to the point at which it would ultimately collapse but we'd prefer to try to conceal that fact by merely admitting gross incompetence"?
If you believe this then you must be stupid - it's a sign of the times - like fish government go off from the head down and like stinking fish the smell will linger for a long time - the BAE 'investigation' was stopped because it reached into the Saudi royal family and we all know they are whiter than the driven snow and as leaders of the puritanical Islam behind most of the fanactics of 'peaceful Islam' they cannot be judged like the rest of us mere mortals.