Originally posted by scottycelt
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Let's get one thing straight. Why are the US and UK governments doing this? Is it because they genuinely care about the lives of the people they govern? If they did care surely a better policy would be to stop invading and threatening other countries, and thereby creating radicalised cadres who will strike back in any way they think they can? So obviously it isn't that. It would seem reasonable to conclude that their reasons have far more to do with what they perceive as an "enemy within" - a radicalisation of those of their own citizens who see the way these governments pursue policies which increase the gap betwen rich and poor, and bail out the reckless gamblers in the financial sector while punishing ordinary people for being sick or disabled or living in the wrong part of the country, to which the alternatives are opposition parties that everyone knows would do more or less exactly the same things. As we see in Turkey, the obvious organisational conduit for any kind of real democratic opposition is the internet, and therefore it's no surprise, requiring no "paranoia", no conspiracy and no great imagination to see that this is a theatre of action these governments will do all they can to monitor.