Boston Marathon: Is terrorism ever justified?

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  • scottycelt

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Well, quite. The point is that you bandy the word 'anarchist' about much as others describe their boss, university professor or others 'a fascist' without it meaning much. It is apparently for you a vague term of opprobium whereas for others it has a very specific, and serious, political meaning; and not in any general sense something to be condemned.
    You make a lot of assumptions there. My view of anarchism and anarchists is wholly unimportant, The only point is ... what does 'anarchist' mean? It must have a meaning(s) surely? I didn't 'bandy' anything, or even raise the subject, but merely responded to a question posed to Simon who wisely declined to get involved, no doubt anticipating the torrent of silly abuse which would follow.

    As far as I'm aware anarchists don't believe in any authority/government. You prefer to describe it up as 'a very specific and serious, political meaning' for some.

    I contend that the first is at least a definition and therefore an aid to some understanding. The second comes across as a nice, flowery way of telling us absolutely nothing.


    • Beef Oven

      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
      ... I don't think French Frank wd normally be considered to be among "the smug and the self-satisfieds". And up until now, noöne has ever called her approach "bullying" :erm:
      You think ff is a bully? I don't. Nor smug etc. Explain what you mean by this post.


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30666

        Originally posted by Padraig View Post
        If that is a kind of lifeline to scotty, I'm with you Beef Oven.

        I have to say that I, for one, find it quite repulsive to witness what appears to be another surge of group hysteria, like playground bullying; where one after another members line up to have a go at one of their group. Is this now the norm?
        I'm not sure that Athanasius ever complained of being bullied. I think the political arguments have been perfectly restrained and factual. And serious (for the most part).
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • eighthobstruction
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 6474

          I think Scotty can fight his corner....and does fight his corner....I am only really looking on (reading this thread) and not participating, but I 'd hope that Scotty does not feel bullied....he (i think) has never said he does feel bullied....He might feel he is being pursued by several other posters to make himself clear....The nature of Platform £3 is that there are more left leaning liberals on I would say it is much less a matter of bullying, it is more a matter of volume....and a certain type of pedantry <cough ahem>....
          bong ching


          • Beef Oven

            Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
            I think Scotty can fight his corner....and does fight his corner....I am only really looking on (reading this thread) and not participating, but I 'd hope that Scotty does not feel bullied....he (i think) has never said he does feel bullied....He might feel he is being pursued by several other posters to make himself clear....The nature of Platform £3 is that there are more left leaning liberals on I would say it is much less a matter of bullying, it is more a matter of volume....and a certain type of pedantry <cough ahem>....
            What Scotty says, does or feels is irrelevant. People's political views are irrelevant. How many people are involved is irrelevant. Bullying is bullying.

            Edit: I don't think it's intentional, it's just the way it's gone. But it is what it is.
            Last edited by Guest; 08-05-13, 14:06.


            • scottycelt

              Thanks, Padraig and Beefy ... and 8th!

              I suppose I should never get involved in such discussions, the responses to some of my posts are all too predictably hostile. Immodest as it may seem this does not necessarily mean that I am wrong, merely that some simply don't like what I'm saying. However, I do enjoy proper forum debate and hopefully we might at some point return to that. Hopefully.

              Meanwhile, I'll go and make myself a nice cup of tea ... :winkeye:


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                As is so often the case, we have the spectacle of 'thieves running around shouting "stop thief"'. It's also not a little amusing to note 'Humpty-Dumpty' style word usage on both sides. There are still, for instance, those on the 'left' who very much consider Joe Stalin to have been of the Marxist tradition, for instance:

                Challenge your ideas — challenge their propaganda — seek the truth — serve the people — change the world!

                Now I do not share their assessment of the man or his writings, but:



                • burning dog
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 1512


                  Obvioulsly the clean shaven chap who appeared on the far right of the picture has been expunged from history


                  • vinteuil
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 13079

                    ... not in the famous "history of shaving" poster -

                    Designer unknown (佚名) Ca. 1968 Long live Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought! Ma Lie zhuyi Mao Zedong sixiang wansui! (马列主义毛泽东思想万岁!) Call nr.: PC-1968-l-005 (Private collection) More? See:


                    • Richard Barrett

                      Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                      It's also not a little amusing to note 'Humpty-Dumpty' style word usage on both sides. There are still, for instance, those on the 'left' who very much consider Joe Stalin to have been of the Marxist tradition, for instance:
                      Indeed, and that rather puts them in the Humpty Dumpty camp.


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Or there's:


                        There are even those who might favour:



                        • Richard Barrett

                          Most enlightening bit of water-muddying there, Bryn, well done.


                          • Beef Oven

                            Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                            Thanks, Padraig and Beefy ... and 8th!

                            I suppose I should never get involved in such discussions, the responses to some of my posts are all too predictably hostile. Immodest as it may seem this does not necessarily mean that I am wrong, merely that some simply don't like what I'm saying. However, I do enjoy proper forum debate and hopefully we might at some point return to that. Hopefully.

                            Meanwhile, I'll go and make myself a nice cup of tea ... :winkeye:
                            Great idea! Think I'll join you as the self-congratulation smug-club goes about what it goes about :winkeye:


                            • DavidP

                              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                              Thanks, Padraig and Beefy ... and 8th!

                              I suppose I should never get involved in such discussions, the responses to some of my posts are all too predictably hostile. Immodest as it may seem this does not necessarily mean that I am wrong, merely that some simply don't like what I'm saying. However, I do enjoy proper forum debate and hopefully we might at some point return to that. Hopefully.

                              Meanwhile, I'll go and make myself a nice cup of tea ... :winkeye:

                              Scotty, I'm afraid if anyone is guilty of bullying it is you and Simon. Anyone who disagrees with you must be a violent anarchist or member of the "hard left". That's a kind of intellectual bullying in itself. I suggest if you want "proper forum debate" you start practising it yourself.

                              More widely, I notice that the ones on this forum who criticise the "victim culture" and accuse other posters of being "over-sensitive" about the use of non-"pc" language are generally the first to don the mantle of victimhood when anybody challenges them.


                              • eighthobstruction
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 6474

                                'Smug-Club'?....I usually reserve that kind of language for local parish councillors....
                                bong ching

