Originally posted by amateur51
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RM: The IAEA of course works closely with the UN Security Council, a rather exclusive group of nations whose five permanent members are all nuclear-armed while seeking to limit "proliferation." It might be noted that while the IAEA is certainly on Iran's case, and in the words of your link "urges" the Iranian government to "cooperate" with it further than it already does, the state of Israel absolutely refuses to have anything to do with the IAEA and is not a signatory to the NPT while Iran is. There seems to be no "urging" from the IAEA on this point. Therefore it might be regarded as legitimate of the Iranian government to complain that the IAEA is not as impartial as it claims to be, or is in your words "in bed with Them". While I wouldn't defend the attitudes or actions of the Iranian government, it seems to me obvious that the double standards they point out are quite real.