Originally posted by Mr Pee
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And though each death is the same as regards a life lost and a personal tragedy, the death of those of our own nation and allies who have died fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy today - eroded though some of these have been - most surely and most especially deserves never to be forgotten by those who come after.
Those of the left and right, whether vicious or simply deluded and naive, who try to politicise the remembrance of the sacrifices and who denigrate those who made them, are not fit to lick their boots. Fortunately we don't get them around these parts: in the villages and hamlets of the Peak, the communities join together to honour the war dead. Some, of course, still mourn spouses and siblings - though sadly, in the past year, we have lost two old soldiers. Rough and ready they were, and in some ways unsophisticated - but theirs were the values that truly matter - values of honest work, decency, patriotism, service to community and loyalty that have stood the test of time and that helped our nation survive.
Of course, some will never be able to grasp or comprehend such values. They are totally beyond the reach of trendy, pseudo-sophisticated quasi-liberals...