Murdoch: Ouf! Is this meltdown?

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38152

    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
    So why did Cruddasgate happen? What were NI's motives in making it happen?

    Nick Robinson reckons ...

    Yes, here's NR again effectively exonerating this practice by saying questions could be extended to anybody lobbying with any political party. Lobbying has always gone on and always will; who gains what depends on who you are and the party you're lobbying. What is at issue here is payments for such privileges - meals or whatever with the PM are secondary.


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
      Yes, here's NR again effectively exonerating this practice by saying questions could be extended to anybody lobbying with any political party. Lobbying has always gone on and always will; who gains what depends on who you are and the party you're lobbying. What is at issue here is payments for such privileges - meals or whatever with the PM are secondary.
      Ah! I was referring to this bit ...

      "Hell hath no fury like a media mogul scorned.

      Witness Rupert Murdoch's tweet: "@rupertmurdoch: Of course there must be a full independent inquiry on both sides. In great detail, and with consequences. Trust must be established."

      And the Sun's editorial which says: "Millions will wonder if Osborne scrapped the 50p rate after a few cosy lunches with millionaire backers."

      Could it be that Rupert Murdoch wishes to see the man who set up the Leveson Inquiry go through the same agonisingly painful scrutiny as he has? "


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38152

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
        Ah! I was referring to this bit ...

        "Hell hath no fury like a media mogul scorned.

        Witness Rupert Murdoch's tweet: "@rupertmurdoch: Of course there must be a full independent inquiry on both sides. In great detail, and with consequences. Trust must be established."

        And the Sun's editorial which says: "Millions will wonder if Osborne scrapped the 50p rate after a few cosy lunches with millionaire backers."

        Could it be that Rupert Murdoch wishes to see the man who set up the Leveson Inquiry go through the same agonisingly painful scrutiny as he has? "
        OK. Good points all, Ams.


        • Lateralthinking1

          From my experience, Maude is the most destructive individual in the Cabinet other than Osborne and Lansley. He comes across to me as fundamentally feral behind all that oiled on Mr Urbane.

          I don't really care what lists they produce. I don't believe what they say. The bad news is that they will move onto other things quickly. The great news is that it adds to the cumulative impressions among the general public that most of them are crooked.

          I don't think we should pay for these parties in a way that they dictate. This will reduce the chances of ever getting rid of the three main parties. We need five yearly elections for a 30 person body that regulates political funding, be that salary or expenses or party donations. These should be individuals, not party members or supporters. Of course it won't happen.

          Caroline Lucas is trying to make it unlawful for any companies who have donated to parties to tender for private-public contracts. This is a fantastic initiative. At least someone is trying to dilute the corruption.

          Today was supposed to be the day when the Government was going to make a special good news announcement to counteract the harm done by the budget. It doesn't appear to have happened yet.

          I am very much hoping that The Sun will recommend at the next election that voters choose UKIP. This may well happen and if it does it will slice very dramatically into the Conservative vote. In that hope, let's keep that rag going until 2015.
          Last edited by Guest; 26-03-12, 15:10. Reason: And if Boris Johnson is honest, I'm Father Christmas


          • amateur51

            Sounds like there's a blistering series of rows going on in the Commons about cash-for-access - Maude is fielding the questions & getting rather irritable, trying to turn the spotliight on Labour's record in Government. John Bercow takes great delight (I'm guessing) in telling Maude that he should be talking about the matter in hand, not about Labour :laugh:

            Andrew Sparrow with rolling coverage of the cash-for-access row and the day's other political developments

            Just one sample: Miliband says only Cameron would think that a donation worth £49,000 - double the average wage - was 'not significant'

            Not only am I greatly cheered that Maude is being put through the ringer like this, but he's also missing out on this glorious afternoon :laugh:


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30785

              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
              I am very much hoping that The Sun will recommend at the next election that voters choose UKIP. This may well happen and if it does it will slice very dramatically into the Conservative vote.
              I'm sure Mr Miliband would be very satified with that! :smiley: With LibDems out of favour it should give Labour a runaway victory.
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • Lateralthinking1

                amateur51 - So everyone according to Maude is ignorant, more at fault, not sufficiently "grown up". He understands all the precise nuances of the trade union opt out but he is not aware of x, y and z in his own party and nor was Crud. All the while he looks and sounds like he is chewing on a bee. I dislike him more than any other Member of Parliament. He completely revolts me tbh.

                The Rachmans on the corner have officially completed their work according to them and the Council. That means today it is extensive plastering with dust strewn throughout the neighbourhood. Afghanistan lite. Liars all these people and sadistic in nature. No point in even trying for the garden.


                • Frances_iom
                  Full Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 2432

                  Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                  Sounds like there's a blistering series of rows going on in the Commons about cash-for-access - Maude is fielding the questions & getting rather irritable, trying to turn the spotliight on Labour's record in Government. John Bercow takes great delight (I'm guessing) in telling Maude that he should be talking about the matter in hand, not about Labour :laugh:
                  presumeably it is why now our David has decided that more research into dementia is required - maybe a few senior tories are in need of immediate cures - it was obvious that this and similar schemes had happened several (if if not many) times before.


                  • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 9173

                    well news corp allegedly did something very nasty to commercial rivals stap me who'd a thought it ......:laugh::laugh::laugh:

                    what is a very bad sign for the dark lord is the feeling of legal security at the bbc about last night's panorama .... floodgates?
                    Last edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 27-03-12, 11:43.
                    According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                    • eighthobstruction
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 6509

                      #669 OH DEAR, the story [Panorama prog las night]....
                      is VERY MUCH worth 30 minutes of anyones time [even Mr Pee]....

             onslaught against ITV On Digital to make Pirated cards widely available by [alledgedly] a News Corporation subsiduary....where 2 [alledgedly] bent ex-GB-top-cops were in charge....[also links to an international plots]

                      ....but WHY was this story not covered by BBC on yesterdays News, or this mornings...???
                      bong ching


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                        #669 OH DEAR, the story [Panorama prog las night]....
                        is VERY MUCH worth 30 minutes of anyones time [even Mr Pee]....

               onslaught against ITV On Digital to make Pirated cards widely available by [alledgedly] a News Corporation subsiduary....where 2 [alledgedly] bent ex-GB-top-cops were in charge....[also links to an international plots]
                        Thanks for the prompt, eighth :ok:

                        Steve Hewlett was on 'Today' this morning and got his tonsils in a right old scramble trying not to be slanderous (or is libellous? ) about NewsCorps actions but he was clearly disturbed by this story. No wonder Rat Man and Bobbin wanted to keep it all secret. :erm:


                        • eighthobstruction
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6509

                          bong ching


                          • eighthobstruction
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 6509

                            I wonder if a link between A4E and NewsCorp can be found.... :winkeye:
                            bong ching


                            • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 9173

                              we''re off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz
                              According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                              • handsomefortune

                                more from kerazy rupert, (following the public broadcast of panorama) or perhaps coincidentally he was about to say this anyway? :biggrin:

                                News Corp founder uses Twitter to defend former subsidiary NDS against claims made in Australian newspaper. By Mark Sweney

                                i so wish he'd just stick to his new style of 'portrait photography': new subjects & their activities as members of the gr8 british government, an institution that the world should admire, and emulate.

                                the Us, Oz and UK should join together and info share imo. i don't understand why they don't.

