State of the parties as 2015 General Election looms.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostI somehow suspect that, for this to happen, there would first need to bebuilt many more prisons and courtrooms, although in the present austerity climatge, I;ve less than no idea who'd pay for this.
That's broadly true, but the problem here is that so many students emerge from university with five-figure debts (I happen to know wone personally who ran up a six-figure one over almost a decade of study and several degees to his name), which is hardly a good thing given that some will be unable ever to repay them and many others will struggle to try to do so in the early years of their professional lives.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostIn what way does the EU promote a longer-term approach to things like environmental issues? I don't think it does. But if you believe it does surely that would be a reason for supporting it...?
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostIt's not my claim, it's more or less a universally held truth. A dwindling number of Marxists dispute it of course.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostI agree with you that there is an element of short-termism and too many politicians do not put the bigger picture first. But the EU does, The WHO does and so on. So I'd say that we shouldn't exaggerate the problem.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostAgain, you are exaggerating the issue, describing it as a defining feature.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostBranson et al are required because wealth cannot be created without entrepreneurs.
Richard Barrett
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostIt's not the only thing that one puts into the balance when deciding on one's position on the EU.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostThat capitalism "continues to be so successful at reducing world poverty"? Really? Could you supply some credible an incontrovertible evidence for your assertion that it is a "(more or less)...universally held truth"? - and indeed that only a "dwindling number of Marxists dispute it"? I dispute it strongly - and I am not and have never been a Marxist, dwindling or otherse.
All true, indeed - but the problem should not only not be exaggerated but also not ignored; as you appear to accept, too much short-termism in too many high places is a bad thing for us all.
I think that this is less of an exaggeration than an understatement to the extent that it has become a "defining feature" not only of "neoliberal capitalism" but also one of almost everyone.
Yes - but "required" by whom - in terms, that is, of who gets to benefit from the wealth that they generate? Of course I'm not suggesting that no one does besides the wealth creatos themslves and their closest cronies, but what matters most is what happens to all that wealth, where it goes and what's done with it.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostBranson et al are required because wealth cannot be created without entrepreneurs.
Saying we need more nurses and firemen without also seeing the initial need to create wealth to pay their wages is the thing that some socialists often seem to forget. The private sector is best-placed to create that wealth with its culture of risk-taking, inventive change and profit-making.
The State can and does take a large slice of that profit for public services so the greater the wealth the more nurses and firemen it can employ!
So OXOboy
You really do believe that Alan Sugar makes his money so that he can "lift people out of poverty" ?
I don't think so
It might be a side effect of some of his "activity" but that's not what motivates.
There are many other people who run their affairs in much more ethical and sustainable ways
Barn the Spoon for President
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostYou're doing that Viz Mr Logic thing again, stop it, it's unnerving.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostThen, surely it cannot be a defining feature of "neoliberal capitalism" if it is one of those universally held truths, that you don't like, applicable to almost everyone.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostNo. What matters most is that it lifts poor people out of poverty.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostSustainable energy, and so on.
Originally posted by P. G. Tipps View PostSaying we need more nurses and firemen without also seeing the initial need to create wealth to pay their wages is the thing that some socialists often seem to forget.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostSustainable energy, and so on.
Many of the things we really value would be destroyed by your wonderful "entrepreneurs" trying to make a quick profit.