Is that a first early fairy? She looks more maincrop to me.
I'm curbing my impatience and not harvesting my Pink Fir Apples for at least another month. Meanwhile I am enjoying the few peas the mice have left me. Got fed up with the damage a couple of days ago and bought lots of traps. I got seven the first night and another four last night, I guess I'll keep going until I've got the lot. Incidentally, peanut butter is much better than cheese for bait, they cant resist it.
Another week or so and I should be able to start on the runners, and the french beans are looking promising.
I'm curbing my impatience and not harvesting my Pink Fir Apples for at least another month. Meanwhile I am enjoying the few peas the mice have left me. Got fed up with the damage a couple of days ago and bought lots of traps. I got seven the first night and another four last night, I guess I'll keep going until I've got the lot. Incidentally, peanut butter is much better than cheese for bait, they cant resist it.
Another week or so and I should be able to start on the runners, and the french beans are looking promising.