ff, have you checked that the ones that havent germinated havent been eaten by mice? Mice love peas.
doversoul, this is a bit of a mystery. Like ff, mine ('Kelvedon Wonder') are just starting to flower, though they arent even eighteen inches high, more like a foot. A two foot variety will not suddenly go to five feet, though there are tall varieties that do: mostly 'old fashioned', since the modern trend is to grow shorter ones that dont need so much support. All I can suggest is a mix-up with the seed. But have patience, I am sure that they will produce peas ... lots of them!
doversoul, this is a bit of a mystery. Like ff, mine ('Kelvedon Wonder') are just starting to flower, though they arent even eighteen inches high, more like a foot. A two foot variety will not suddenly go to five feet, though there are tall varieties that do: mostly 'old fashioned', since the modern trend is to grow shorter ones that dont need so much support. All I can suggest is a mix-up with the seed. But have patience, I am sure that they will produce peas ... lots of them!