Sounds idyllic
A very similar field just up the road from us is playing host to a two day off-road motorcycle event as we speak
It's impossible to tell from watching the chaotic meanderings exactly what's supposed to be going on but it's generating noise in the region of 80 - 100 db. Next door neighbour, normally a calm, rational Raspberry Pi enthusiast, has been reduced to a gibbering wreck by the noise. We've been through all the official complaints channels 3 years running. This year, they are running more events and more races. Ever felt as if the world was against you?
And at 08:30 yesterday, to coincide with the start of the first race, the biggest JCB digger I've ever seen around these parts powered up and started ground works for another caravan site.

And at 08:30 yesterday, to coincide with the start of the first race, the biggest JCB digger I've ever seen around these parts powered up and started ground works for another caravan site.