Is clover a problem?

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18100

    Is clover a problem?

    Clover seems to be getting everywhere, but should we just let it? I can see that the neighbours don’t like it much, and maybe we’re being blamed for letting it spread, but if it’s more able to survive than the grass in the front garden, what would be wrong with just letting it carry on?

    Why penalise success?!?
  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    Clover seems to be getting everywhere, but should we just let it? I can see that the neighbours don’t like it much, and maybe we’re being blamed for letting it spread, but if it’s more able to survive than the grass in the front garden, what would be wrong with just letting it carry on?

    Why penalise success?!?
    Were it not for the introduction of 'Wild Dutch' (White) Clover to British agriculture in the 17th Century, our farming industry would not be anything like as productive as it is. Not only does it provide nutritious forage for ungulates but it is also the most important nitrogen-fixing legume we have. Indeed, Malcolm Caldwell held it to have been the effective engine of the British Industrial Revolution, as a result or its transformation of British agriculture:


    • Padraig
      Full Member
      • Feb 2013
      • 4271

      To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
      One clover and a bee,
      And revery.
      The revery alone will do,
      If bees are few.

      Emily Dickinson undated


      • oddoneout
        Full Member
        • Nov 2015
        • 9518

        Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
        Clover seems to be getting everywhere, but should we just let it? I can see that the neighbours don’t like it much, and maybe we’re being blamed for letting it spread, but if it’s more able to survive than the grass in the front garden, what would be wrong with just letting it carry on?

        Why penalise success?!?
        It's only a problem if one perceives it as such I would suggest. This article has an unfortunate title but some interesting info
        There can be a problem with bees on flowering clover if one has young children playing on a lawn which contains more than a small patch or two, but I don't think that applies to your case?
        I used to have quite a lot of white clover in my grass which I liked for the green cover and the happy hum of bees. It seems to have gone now so the grass more quickly degenerates into a brown crunchy mat in drought conditions(ie more than once a year!)


        • Constantbee
          Full Member
          • Jul 2017
          • 504

          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
          Clover seems to be getting everywhere, but should we just let it? I can see that the neighbours don’t like it much, and maybe we’re being blamed for letting it spread, but if it’s more able to survive than the grass in the front garden, what would be wrong with just letting it carry on?

          Why penalise success?!?
          Not a problem for us. We send samples of our honey off to a lab to be analysed so we can see what our bees have been feeding on. They use something called polymerase chain reaction to look at the DNA of pollen grains found in the sample. All our summer blossom samples so far have came back with a very high white clover count, followed closely by bramble (blackberries) - and a surprising amount of tree pollen, so clover is not something we’d want to get rid of.
          And the tune ends too soon for us all


          • Dave2002
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 18100

            I’m inclined to continue with our minimalist approach. The lawn will be mown, but I’ll kept the height adjusted so as to not vigorously reduce the clover. I might do a bit of tidying up on paths and some flower beds.


            • oddoneout
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 9518

              Originally posted by Constantbee View Post
              Not a problem for us. We send samples of our honey off to a lab to be analysed so we can see what our bees have been feeding on. They use something called polymerase chain reaction to look at the DNA of pollen grains found in the sample. All our summer blossom samples so far have came back with a very high white clover count, followed closely by bramble (blackberries) - and a surprising amount of tree pollen, so clover is not something we’d want to get rid of.
              I imagine the covid-19 effects will be evident in the pollen analysis? Lack of open space maintenance will increase wild flower presence - including bramble which round here is abundant. I don't know what the reason is for increased tree pollen, but those of us who are allergic to it have certainly noticed its presence this year!


              • Cockney Sparrow
                Full Member
                • Jan 2014
                • 2303

                I have a bit of an interest in soil, nutrients and its degradation. I'm far from having any authoritative knowledge. Sorry to take the thread a long way from Dave's lawn………

                From what I have read, clovers are an important part of building the fertility of soil - nutrients and just organic matter - without the latter continued cropping runs the risk of ending up with a dust bowl or land unfit for growing food. Other important parts included deep rooting chicories (to mine elements from the subsoil) and grasses (eg Rye) for building humus - organic matter.

                This sort of describes the principle of the Clifton Park system of farming - rotations of building soil fertility some years with rotations of crops.

                As I understand it the American prairies were blessed with rich organic matter and nutrients from centuries of grazing animals with only the Native Americans as a human presence - moving around as well. After decades of intensive cropping the fertility declined and now requires man made inputs to deliver useful cropping.

                We are aware we depend heavily on bees and other insects for pollination. However, we are at risk as a species were the degradation of the soil to continue, to add to other challenges with the climate in the coming decades.

                As it happens, the Scottish government has reached the stage of unlocking where its possible for us to visit a family holiday cottage (long in the family) in the area of the original Clifton Park (Kelso - not far from the border with England) - although all traces of it have pretty much gone.


                • Dave2002
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 18100

                  Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                  I imagine the covid-19 effects will be evident in the pollen analysis? Lack of open space maintenance will increase wild flower presence - including bramble which round here is abundant. I don't know what the reason is for increased tree pollen, but those of us who are allergic to it have certainly noticed its presence this year!
                  That’s interesting. I didn’t know about the increased pollen this year, and even less any reasons for it, but I have had really rather severe problems for weeks if not months. At least knowing there is a cause might make me feel better!


                  • oddoneout
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 9518

                    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                    That’s interesting. I didn’t know about the increased pollen this year, and even less any reasons for it, but I have had really rather severe problems for weeks if not months. At least knowing there is a cause might make me feel better!
                    The tree pollen starts early in the year and I think its effects may be put down to a cold as a result. A tiresome feature for me is that especially in a 'bad' year birch pollen makes me sensitive to some raw fruits as well, causing itchy sore mouth and lips. It's irritating rather than severe and does go away quite quickly.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38172

                      Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                      I imagine the covid-19 effects will be evident in the pollen analysis? Lack of open space maintenance will increase wild flower presence - including bramble which round here is abundant. I don't know what the reason is for increased tree pollen, but those of us who are allergic to it have certainly noticed its presence this year!
                      It does seem especially bad this year - maybe something to do with the wet winter being followed by the very dry spring, and lack of rainwater to peg the pollen down at its season of greatest dispersal?


                      • ardcarp
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 11102

                        I’m inclined to continue with our minimalist approach. The lawn will be mown, but I’ll kept the height adjusted so as to not vigorously reduce the clover.

                        My plan too. At this minute our 'lawn' is hosting many tiny bees making the most of clover in the sun. Awful to think of mowing right now.


                        • Globaltruth
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 4325

                          I've been minimal mowing this year too. Leaving some patches completely when they contain daisies and clover.
                          Recently some beautiful yellow vetch has appeared - also v attractive to the bees.
                          Definitely feels like a good approach.

                          We have a slight outbreak of astro turf in our village and this is one way to feel we are counteracting the imbalance it causes.


                          • Old Grumpy
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 3690

                            Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post

                            We have a slight outbreak of astro turf in our village and this is one way to feel we are counteracting the imbalance it causes.

                            It's not infectious, I hope!



                            • Jonathan
                              Full Member
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 963

                              Our allotment is riddled with's extremely annoying when it's strangling your Strawberry plants!
                              Best regards,

