What are you cooking now?

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by Anna View Post
    I have some plump free range chicken thighs, I was going to do them with chorizo, tomato and butter beans but - I find I had no butter beans. So instead chorizo fried a bit crispy, with green lentils, plus celery, leeks, carrots, a whole green chilli (not chopped) for background flavour, loads of garlic, fresh toms, some chopped green beans chucked in. A really earthy peasant dish. (Love green lentils!) To be had with crusty bread and oodles of unsalted butter to mop it all up.
    All those veggies sound dee-vine Anna but I fear that the presence of celery will put off m'Learned Friend

    I've seen guinea fowl thighs on sale in Waitrose at about £6 for four plump ones (so not cheap) and I've thought that I must give them a go sometime. I think I'll use pretty well your recipe as above - perhaps I'll lay off the chorizo in the first instance so I get the full pintade experience

    Anyone else tried these guinea fowl thighs?


    • Beef Oven!
      • Sep 2013
      • 18147

      I'm making a delicious vegetable soup in my ancient (1970s!) pressure cooker (cabbage, broccoli, celeriac, carrots, onions, garlic, salt pepper). To be served with Parmesan cheese and pitta bread.

      Listening to Captain Beefheart's 'Trout Mask Replica'. One child has already ventured into the kitchen asked 'dad how can you listen to that crap'? I do not understand young people - university students that don't like Beefheart!!!!!??


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25302

        Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
        I'm making a delicious vegetable soup in my ancient (1970s!) pressure cooker (cabbage, broccoli, celeriac, carrots, onions, garlic, salt pepper). To be served with Parmesan cheese and pitta bread.

        Listening to Captain Beefheart's 'Trout Mask Replica'. One child has already ventured into the kitchen asked 'dad how can you listen to that crap'? I do not understand young people - university students that don't like Beefheart!!!!!??

        Ah, so you are one of the good guys after all Beefy. Sounds a great combo !! ( I have an upcoming Beefheart phase, its been coming on for a while).

        Kids today, eh?

        Whats for pud? Ice Cream for Crow?
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • Beef Oven!
          • Sep 2013
          • 18147

          Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
          Ah, so you are one of the good guys after all Beefy. Sounds a great combo !! ( I have an upcoming Beefheart phase, its been coming on for a while).

          Kids today, eh?

          Whats for pud? Ice Cream for Crow?
          No pud, we had an outrageous raspberry pavlova following lunch earlier today


          • Karafan
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 786

            Slowly braised Irish steak in Guinness (in the slow cooker since 08:30am). Creamy, buttery mashed potatoes, carrots and Kale to accompany.

            Well, it has been a damp and sepulchrally gloomy day so this is just the comfort food I crave! Bon appetit!
            "Let me have my own way in exactly everything, and a sunnier and more pleasant creature does not exist." Thomas Carlyle


            • jayne lee wilson
              • Jul 2011
              • 10711

              I had brunch watching the Japanese Grand Prix thissavvy with grilled smoked lardons on olive bread drenched in melted butter. Several cups of Cappuccino and a sweetened Brandy Mull.... it almost made the race interesting. At least Vettel had to ACTUALLY OVERTAKE SOMEONE today... Nice scenery at Suzuka isn't it?


              • Anna

                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                All those veggies sound dee-vine Anna but I fear that the presence of celery will put off m'Learned Friend
                Aha! My learned friend may like to peruse this:

                Modern scientific studies confirm celery's folk medicine profile for lowering blood pressure. This may be due to its potassium content, and the presence of phthalides, compounds that relax muscles around arteries. Coumarin, another antioxidant in celery, appears to enhance the activity of white blood cells. Celery has a diuretic effect, so it can play a role in eliminating excess body fluid. In many countries, it is recommended as a cleansing vegetable with tonic properties. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote that celery could be used to calm the nerves, and it also has a history of usage in treating nervous disorders
                I rest my case.


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by Karafan View Post
                  Slowly braised Irish steak in Guinness (in the slow cooker since 08:30am). Creamy, buttery mashed potatoes, carrots and Kale to accompany.

                  Well, it has been a damp and sepulchrally gloomy day so this is just the comfort food I crave! Bon appetit!
                  Woo-hoo grand grunt young Karafan - I trust you were wearing the trews with the elasticated waistband today


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by Anna View Post
                    Aha! My learned friend may like to peruse this:

                    Modern scientific studies confirm celery's folk medicine profile for lowering blood pressure. This may be due to its potassium content, and the presence of phthalides, compounds that relax muscles around arteries. Coumarin, another antioxidant in celery, appears to enhance the activity of white blood cells. Celery has a diuretic effect, so it can play a role in eliminating excess body fluid. In many countries, it is recommended as a cleansing vegetable with tonic properties. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote that celery could be used to calm the nerves, and it also has a history of usage in treating nervous disorders
                    I rest my case.
                    You buy celery by the case, Anna

                    All those medicinal properties and it tastes great - what a bargain


                    • mathias broucek
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1304

                      My employer's staff canteen one a week does the most wonderful fish finger tortilla wraps.

                      Had a bash at making my own at the weekend. "Posh" fish fingers, tartare sauce, tomato salsa, salad, chopped gerkins and capars. Yumm!


                      • teamsaint
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 25302

                        Originally posted by mathias broucek View Post
                        My employer's staff canteen one a week does the most wonderful fish finger tortilla wraps.

                        Had a bash at making my own at the weekend. "Posh" fish fingers, tartare sauce, tomato salsa, salad, chopped gerkins and capars. Yumm!
                        sounds fab indeed, MB .

                        Canteen food. At my first job, the staple food was the 10 AM bacon and black pudding roll. The average retirement pension at that company was paid for 9 months. Draw your own conclusions !!
                        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                        I am not a number, I am a free man.


                        • mathias broucek
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1304

                          Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                          Canteen food. At my first job, the staple food was the 10 AM bacon and black pudding roll. The average retirement pension at that company was paid for 9 months. Draw your own conclusions !!
                          That sort of thing remains a temptation, especially as the weather gets colder and wetter....


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by mathias broucek View Post
                            That sort of thing remains a temptation, especially as the weather gets colder and wetter....
                            I'm glad to read that it's not just me ..


                            • eighthobstruction
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6531

                              Just fancied some kippers (only boil in bag)....got brown bread and butter too....
                              bong ching


                              • amateur51

                                Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                                Just fancied some kippers (only boil in bag)....got brown bread and butter too....
                                Delicious but I bet you'll be titrating pints of water for the rest of the day.

                                Did the hounds gather round expectantly as you ate the kippers?

