The new "best" restaurant in the world - El Celler de Can Roca - lets us peep inside its doors here:
What's on the menu in this self-styled avante-garde (
) establishment of haute-gastronomie? Why, oysters with 'distilled earth' of course. A unique twist on that classic 'sea and mountain' pairing! Who could imagine that our two-year old selves eating mud in the back garden were so evolved gastronomically?!
I once submitted a series of satirical restaurant reviews to Private Eye of perversely à la mode establishments that didn't exist. Such things as an Asian restaurant where the food has to be eaten with a solitary chopstick; a restaurant where the chef will personally come to your table and regurgitate the food into your mouth, as a starling does to its chicks; a restaurant where you have to assemble each dish yourself à table using tweezers, etc.; etc.
It wasn't accepted. How could it be? Gastronomy knows no bounds, lies safely beyond all parody (one thinks of Tom Lehrer downing plume upon Kissinger winning the Nobel Peace Prize for carpet-bombing Cambodia). All these ideas are probably only months away from coming into existence somewhere.
p.s. Last week's TLS contains an interesting review of a book chiding our modern gastronomic excesses: You Aren't What You Eat: Fed Up With Gastroculture*
*Caveat lector: upon further investigation, the book not only sounds irksome, it also features some classic 'log-rolling' (Private Eyes passim) in which Poole (Grauniad journo) keeps shoehorning the astoundingly smug restaurant 'critic' Jay Rayner (Grauniad journo) into his book.
What's on the menu in this self-styled avante-garde (
I once submitted a series of satirical restaurant reviews to Private Eye of perversely à la mode establishments that didn't exist. Such things as an Asian restaurant where the food has to be eaten with a solitary chopstick; a restaurant where the chef will personally come to your table and regurgitate the food into your mouth, as a starling does to its chicks; a restaurant where you have to assemble each dish yourself à table using tweezers, etc.; etc.
It wasn't accepted. How could it be? Gastronomy knows no bounds, lies safely beyond all parody (one thinks of Tom Lehrer downing plume upon Kissinger winning the Nobel Peace Prize for carpet-bombing Cambodia). All these ideas are probably only months away from coming into existence somewhere.
p.s. Last week's TLS contains an interesting review of a book chiding our modern gastronomic excesses: You Aren't What You Eat: Fed Up With Gastroculture*
*Caveat lector: upon further investigation, the book not only sounds irksome, it also features some classic 'log-rolling' (Private Eyes passim) in which Poole (Grauniad journo) keeps shoehorning the astoundingly smug restaurant 'critic' Jay Rayner (Grauniad journo) into his book.