Once tasted, home-made bread can never be forgotten and is frequently yearned for.
Making bread at home can be a wonderful way of constructing time, heating a room with a purpose in mind, getting in touch with the past.
Bread-making has probably never been easier, with a the range of flours and yeasts readily available in supermarkets and specialist shops, the advent of farmers' markets for different examples and sources of information and encouragement, plus a wealth of good books to guide you.
A recipe for bagels from the Guardian:
The physical process itself can be very therapeutic and for those of a more mechanical bent there are bread-makers.
So ... advice, observations and experiences of bread-making please
Making bread at home can be a wonderful way of constructing time, heating a room with a purpose in mind, getting in touch with the past.
Bread-making has probably never been easier, with a the range of flours and yeasts readily available in supermarkets and specialist shops, the advent of farmers' markets for different examples and sources of information and encouragement, plus a wealth of good books to guide you.
A recipe for bagels from the Guardian:
The physical process itself can be very therapeutic and for those of a more mechanical bent there are bread-makers.
So ... advice, observations and experiences of bread-making please