Wonderful photographs. Thank you.
Originally posted by LMcD View Post
The more I look at JK's photos, the more impressed I am by their beautiful structure - it's quite clear that a considerable amount* of thought went into each of them.
(* I nearly wrote 'deal of', but even I thought that might have been unnecessarily close to punnery).
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostTo get that kind of detail into shots like those, foreground, middle and long view, is remarkable. Every glade of brass...
These might be similar to ones I took in Autumn, since it's round The Lake and up to Arrow Valley North again. But I felt like taking some since I had my phone with me and the weather is idyllic today, sunny with a breeze, just right. I feel very lucky having close access to it. Spot the picture where the stinging nettles are encroaching on the path!
Originally posted by Joseph K View PostThese might be similar to ones I took in Autumn, since it's round The Lake and up to Arrow Valley North again. . . I feel very lucky having close access to it. Spot the picture where the stinging nettles are encroaching on the path!
Originally posted by Padraig View PostThat would be No 5, Joseph. You are lucky to have such a lovely area to wander in. Intriguing paths leading to interesting places. No 9 is the one I come back to. Is it leading me straight home, or leading me astray?You are totally right about no. 9 - since in fact it is the path that leads off from another path and does lead me astray, since it takes another twenty minutes to take me home, while the other path takes only ten.
Originally posted by Joseph K View PostVery perceptive, Padraig.You are totally right about no. 9 - since in fact it is the path that leads off from another path and does lead me astray, since it takes another twenty minutes to take me home, while the other path takes only ten.
Nice example in No 7 of cumulus growing into stratoscumulus, which then spreads out to infill the gaps between the original cumulus, marking an inversion "cap" which is preventing any further upward convection, by the way.
Wally, as photographed by Mrs A in the Isles of Scilly last week. He's clearly enjoying a Summer Holiday, just a bit off course! Apparently, walruses are quite lazy creatures, spending a lot of time snoozzing on ice-floes. Not finding any, he tried to board boats and dinghies, inadvertently causing damage. So the local wildlife folk built him his own plastic 'ice-floe' and he seemed to know immediately what it was for. Wally is ENORMOUS, nothing like a seal or a dolphin. He's quite un-fazed by folk passing by to take a look.
Ooops. That was taken by someone else. (Got my wrist slapped.) This was Mrs A's. Maybe not so cute, but it gives some idea of the sheer bulk, and of Wally's personal 'ice-floe'.
Last edited by ardcarp; 03-08-21, 15:56.