During the 1960s, whilst still on the staff of BBC TV Film Studios in Ealing I was asked to contribute to a film being made in Manchester which had the story of relationships developing between two families working in the cotton mills. The whole project ultimately turned out to be extremely disappointing. ( That is an extremely kind remark ! ) It would be wrong to explain in detail & only applied to circumstances existing at that time in Manchester. I ended up being responsible for just about everything, almost total absence of the director, no producer, one lighting electrician, on almost continual strike because I wouldn't allow him to use the van as ' personal ' transport, my asst. cameraman with an eye problem resulting in being unable to see properly, no proper shooting script etc. etc. - I could go on.
However, something very special made it all worthwhile. Arrangements had been made to employ two people to provide the music. We travelled with each other on many occasions & as circumstances demanded. Whilst in the car, should we halt for a while at traffic lights they would be quoting the words from a poster on an old building & setting them to a newly made-up song. Almost eveything we witnessed, people, places, things became subjects for improvised songs.
A totally unforgettable & much treasured experience.
I almost forgot to mention their names;
Ewan McColl & Peggy Seeger
However, something very special made it all worthwhile. Arrangements had been made to employ two people to provide the music. We travelled with each other on many occasions & as circumstances demanded. Whilst in the car, should we halt for a while at traffic lights they would be quoting the words from a poster on an old building & setting them to a newly made-up song. Almost eveything we witnessed, people, places, things became subjects for improvised songs.
A totally unforgettable & much treasured experience.
I almost forgot to mention their names;
Ewan McColl & Peggy Seeger