Originally posted by bb
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Platform 4
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Sue Townsend - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4
Well, it was originally broadcast on BBC Radio 4, so perhaps we do need a Platform 4 Extra! In theory, there could be an infinite number of platforms with an infinite number of platforms between each platform. In practice, fewer platforms are more common. In London, Waterloo Station has around 20 platforms, whilst New York's Grand Central has 44!
Guinness World Records - Largest railway station (no. of platforms)
So should Platform 4 be a subset of Platform 3, or should Platform 3 be a subset of Platform 4? A muggle would argue that this is all rubbish, but perhaps we do need a bit of magic, or even a new platform at St Pancras, a new runway at Heathrow and better ways of communicating with one another. Any thoughts?Last edited by Guest; 04-01-14, 13:46.