Thanks, VodkaDilc, for the 'heads up' to these programmes. I enjoyed them both. I was amused that the programme about Anderson included two works by other composers - Prokofiev and Leopold Mozart - the only connection being that they were about sleigh rides! But I'm determined now to investigate more of Anderson's music. I particularly enjoyed the piano concerto extract played in the programme.
In the Britten programme I was at first irritated by the bittiness of the musical extracts played in the background but I soon got used to it and quite enjoyed identifying the bits. Overall, I thought it was a warm-hearted, affectionate tribute and an enjoyable listen.
Happy New Year all!

In the Britten programme I was at first irritated by the bittiness of the musical extracts played in the background but I soon got used to it and quite enjoyed identifying the bits. Overall, I thought it was a warm-hearted, affectionate tribute and an enjoyable listen.
Happy New Year all!
