I have no idea where Amazon got the idiot from who designed their database. Clearly he/she has never bought a piece of classical music in their life. Trying to locate a specific CD is one of the most depressing activities I know. Ever tried to find, say, a specific version of Rachmaninov Symphony No 2? How many days do you have? 

The sensible approach would be for them to have had a datafield for EMI 9494622, whatever. Then you could go straight to it. Job done. Instead, I rapidly lose the will to live.
Answer: never buy a classical CD from Amazon.
[/rant over]

The sensible approach would be for them to have had a datafield for EMI 9494622, whatever. Then you could go straight to it. Job done. Instead, I rapidly lose the will to live.
Answer: never buy a classical CD from Amazon.
[/rant over]