nominations for the biggest twit of 2013 are invited .... please note that twit refers to idiocy/stupidity/insensitivity &c not evil or morally inept [unless accompanied by really dumb]
as a starter, and to get them out of the way, i offer the Prime Minister D Cameron [especially when his face goes any shade of red/puce] for thinking that he can win a general election by placating the loonie right and his Deputy Mr N Clegg for thinking that any one will forgive and forget his tuition fees promises [he might qualify for twit of the decade]
however these are merely obvious and there must be many many more candidates ......
as a starter, and to get them out of the way, i offer the Prime Minister D Cameron [especially when his face goes any shade of red/puce] for thinking that he can win a general election by placating the loonie right and his Deputy Mr N Clegg for thinking that any one will forgive and forget his tuition fees promises [he might qualify for twit of the decade]
however these are merely obvious and there must be many many more candidates ......