How about contractually requiring him to conduct nothing but the second viennese school for a year?
Come along quietly please, Maestro
Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View PostHow about contractually requiring him to conduct nothing but the second viennese school for a year?It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by ahinton View PostWhat about Charlotte Jenkins and Katherine Church?
Joint charge: pretending to be able to sing and having publicists et al persuade zillions of people that they can
Sentence: that for the remainder of their respective lives they may not come within less than 20,000km of Wales.Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Paul McCartney for (dis)-services to music education by reinforcing the myth of spontaneity in pop music (and pretending that he doesn't understand notation when more or less EVERYTHING he has done has included some people playing from it )
Gareth Malone : for being a bad actor and trying to fool people into thinking that what is on TV is NOT a piece of theatre AND (I stumbled into this by accident the other night ! ) saying on TV that there were only three things involved in music..... the score>learning the score> and performing the score
and another thing he said too some disenchanted participant "It's only music" !!!! ONLY MUSIC FFS go away you pathetic little thesp music is much more important than your little media show
Eric Whitacre......... WHO on earth thought it was a good idea to ask him about serialism ??????
The only problem is that I don't think these are "trumped up"
Originally posted by Flay View PostGlad you've got that off your chest, GG.
But let's try to keep it light-hearted for the seasonHO HO HO
Feeling much better now thanks .......... co-incidentally one of my brothers is in Antarctica at the moment , I'll ask him is he wants to share his tent with Ms Knowles
Originally posted by Flay View PostCharged with inappropriate use of safety pins
Would anyone else like to file charges?
Why has he deserted his talent to become an 'entertainer' rather than an artist?
God only knows what his mentor and teacher, Yehudi Menuhin, would make of his antics.
Originally posted by pastoralguy View PostGod only knows what his mentor and teacher, Yehudi Menuhin, would make of his antics.
(allegedly .........)
I know what you mean though, Jazz is a "waste" innit (ducks behind sofa )
for sartorial crimes.jean yves thibaudet
Just for being unbelievably annoying and never making good music. Bjork. (I have tried to like her music, I really have).
In the music presenters category that I think we should have...
Sean Rafferty, for being inexcusably badly prepared to do a highly sought after job.also for world record obsequiousness.
But TBH, I would leave 2gongs in charge of this. He seems to have the evidence......
Oh , and I would support sending kennedy off, just for being SO discourteous to his audience, when I went to see him.
(worst case i have ever seen, and I've see Siouxsie and the Banshees ).I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.