A little trivial help required from the musically literate

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  • King_Ouf_I
    Full Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 37

    A little trivial help required from the musically literate

    I'm afraid these days I am one of those much-despised lurkers on the forum, rather than a useful contributor, but I hope some of you may be able to come to my aid on a project with which I have lumbered myself.

    My local Recorded Music Society (yes, they still exist) has chosen me as compère of this year’s annual Christmas Party, a jolly evening of food, wine, music and games. For the games part, I am devising a classical music quiz in the style of that early-evening televisual entertainment 'Pointless', which for those who prefer the honeyed tones of Mr.Rafferty or Ms.Klein I should explain is a game in which contestants have to choose one of a number of possible correct answers to a question that has previously been put to a panel of a hundred of their peers. The best such answer would be one that none of the panel thought of, the worst being one that is wrong.

    My request is therefore for additional members of my panel. Ideally, I require a hundred people to answer each of eleven questions; with the kind assistance of my musical friends in the amateur choirs and orchestras of South London, I am most of the way there, but I still need a handful more. The questions are a mixture of the obvious and the difficult (enjoyment of the game is enhanced if no-one on the panel can answer some of the questions, after all). Some are text questions against the clock, some are audio questions, in which you have to identify a piece of music (or something about it), and there is also one picture question. Your answers are anonymous, so no risk of being outed as a clever-clogs, and you can choose to answer as few or as many of the questions as you like: no need to feel obliged to answer them all.

    The questions appear on a website which, despite being tested in a variety of browsers, still seems not to work for a handful of people using Internet Explorer, so if you have problems, try using Chrome. Answers can be submitted up till Sunday 1st December, thus giving me a week until the party on 9th December to analyse the responses. On 10th December, I will post the answers for those who want to see them.

    If you think you can spare a few minutes here and there, I'd be really grateful. The address of the website is:

    David Coronel
    Orpington Recorded Music Society
  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18101

    I think the timed questions gave out after 3 rounds - not as many as I was expecting. I tried using Firefox.


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26624

      Thanks for this... I woke up insanely early and couldn't get back to sleep before a ridiculously early start today, and this was perfect in a slumbering household with a coffee

      Overture 1 is tantalising as is Symphony 3 (I KNOW the latter but just can't place it! ) - and I want to know what Symphony 1 is as I like it but have never heard it before.

      Couple of nasty concertos near the end!

      I shall return for the ones I didn't have time for.

      In the immortal words of B Forsyth Esq: "Good game, good game!" - an excellent quiz, and super-slick technology

      ORMS is lucky to have you, have a great night (and where can we get the answers?)

      (PS it all worked well on Safari)
      (PS2 you really should pitch in on the Alphabet Associations thread! I suspect you'd be a whizz.... )
      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • ardcarp
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 11102

        Just got to rush off, but

        I am one of those much-despised lurkers on the forum, rather than a useful contributor
        Nay, nay and thrice nay! (I'll have a look at the whatsit later today.)


        • Eine Alpensinfonie
          • Nov 2010
          • 20585

          I thought I'd be good on this kind of quiz.

          I was wrong.

          I was dreadful

          I'm going away quietly.

          And sadly.


          • Richard Tarleton

            Just for anyone else trying, IE didn't work as you say, in Firefox it caused my computer to freeze, something that never normally happens - had to switch off at the wall and restart. Looks fascinating though.......


            • Dave2002
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 18101

              Originally posted by Caliban View Post

              Couple of nasty concertos near the end!

              I shall return for the ones I didn't have time for.

              But are we allowed to cheat and have another go later, perhaps having gone away and done some research?

              Some of the questions were really hard, which presumably is needed for the whole "pointless" exercise.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26624

                Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                But are we allowed to cheat and have another go later, perhaps having gone away and done some research?
                Probably not ... nor was I dreaming of such a thing I just ran out of time for the last two quizzes, is all (I'll be **** at the opera one).
                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30791

                  1. As has been said, lurkers are not in any way 'despised'. We hope there is something of positive interest.

                  2. I don't think research should be done. The aim is not to see who gets the most points (I assume - haven't looked yet) but to get an 'average' answer to questions which real contestants may get right, wrong like everyone else, or horribly wrong like no one else.
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38172

                    I only looked at the opera house pictures - the first series of questions - and gave up.


                    • Don Petter

                      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                      I only looked at the opera house pictures - the first series of questions - and gave up.
                      Same here. After two and a maybe of those, and then I found none of the sound files were playable.


                      • Eine Alpensinfonie
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20585

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        I only looked at the opera house pictures - the first series of questions - and gave up.
                        That was my worst one - only managed the first and one other.


                        • Dave2002
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 18101

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post

                          2. I don't think research should be done. The aim is not to see who gets the most points (I assume - haven't looked yet) but to get an 'average' answer to questions which real contestants may get right, wrong like everyone else, or horribly wrong like no one else.

                          Symphonies was more or less OK, but things went downhill from there. Some of the sound clips were really obscure, and I don't think having more time would have made too much difference anyway.


                          • gradus
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5665

                            Pride comes before .....Oh dear.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30791

                              Still haven't looked - and am not quite sure what Pointless is about - but aren't we supposed to attempt - preferably educated - guesses, even if we don't know the answers? Not much point, I'd have thought if people only give answers they know are right. (I trust all attempts are therefore anonymous )
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

