Rant Alert!!Howard Blake in The Guardian - glossed for beginners.

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  • Stillhomewardbound
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1109

    Rant Alert!!Howard Blake in The Guardian - glossed for beginners.

    Sorry to be a bore, but ...

    There's one of those quickie interview bits in The Guardian today and I'm horrified to see it accompanied by explanatory footnotes. If you read the piece and then the footnotes I think you might understand my indignation.

    Anyway, here's the piece:

    'No one ever says: "You're a composer? Wonderful! Why don't I give you lots of money?"'

    And here's how I've responded via their comments facility.

    "I must be bloody old. Only 50 as it happens, but I'm embarrassed to come across a piece in the Guardian that has fekkin', glossing footnotes.

    'The Avengers??!! Yah, like really cool cult stuff. Wicked.'

    'Herrman? Kind of like a guy that writes the tune bits between the dialogue. Wow, I actually didn't know some dude wrote that s***!'

    And horror of bloody horrors ... Footnote 4 (Chopin, Waltz in A something. Only 2 mins so, like, you can check it out faster than a wazz break). Words cannot express my despair:

    'Yah, that's a really sad, quiet bit. Makes you cry, kind of. Y'know when you've got those tear things in your eyes. Monster tune, though.'

    I was firmly under the impression that Guardian readers were the kind of folk who even if they didn't recognise a particular reference, they at least had the wit to picture the context in which it was meant.

    Or, where a particular point went right over their heads, they'd be curious enough to research it themselves.

    Is this really where we are at? Brownie Notes for newspapers? I'm horrified to know that reading newspapers these days is something the young folk should consider a night class in.

    "Yes, but you were around when The Avengers was on the telly and you saw those Hitchcock films with the great Hermann scores in the cinema. The kids today didn't have that same exposure."

    Possibly not, but then I wasn't around when Nefertiti first envisaged there being a god. Nor, was I there on the night they invented champagne and nor was I there when halfway through, a most tedious movie was relieved by a gentleman being heard to sing and talk on screen for the first time, but still I knows this stuff.

    Never under-estimate what people know. Never under-rate their intelligence.

    Really!! The Guardian?? Of all papers???
  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18108

    I appreciate your concerns, and it is fairly typical journalist stuff.

    However >>> Getting a call from the Philharmonia Orchestra in 1990 asking if I'd be interested in writing a piano concerto for Princess Diana

    I didn't know she played!


    • MrGongGong
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 18357

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      I appreciate your concerns, and it is fairly typical journalist stuff.

      However >>> Getting a call from the Philharmonia Orchestra in 1990 asking if I'd be interested in writing a piano concerto for Princess Diana

      I didn't know she played!

      but surely John Adams had already written that one ?

      (i'll get my coat)

      or I didn't know she did anything else .......

      Last edited by MrGongGong; 23-10-13, 09:25.


      • pastoralguy
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7918

        Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
        I appreciate your concerns, and it is fairly typical journalist stuff.

        However >>> Getting a call from the Philharmonia Orchestra in 1990 asking if I'd be interested in writing a piano concerto for Princess Diana

        I didn't know she played!
        There was a media frenzy many years ago when she played a few bars of Rachmaninov's second concerto during a visit to a music school. I seem to remember the head of the RAM and various critics were brought in to say how her playing was the most amazing piece of music making they had heard and the world of music lost a phenomenal artist when she became Princess of Wales etc, etc, etc.

        Heady stuff.


        • Roehre

          The Avengers? Blake must be kidding: unless he is AKA Laurie Johnson.


          • Stephen Whitaker

            Never under-estimate what people think they know but don't.
            Never under-rate their ability to be at the wrong end of the stick.
            Anyone with the slightest knowledge of this regular feature in G2 would know that the tone of the footnotes is always tongue-in-cheek.
            May I suggest that you read the Mark Elder piece from earlier this month.
            I at least have the wit to know the context in which they were provided.
            Ranting on the basis of poor understanding of that very context just makes you look like a fatuous club bore from Tunbridge Wells


            • Stephen Whitaker

              Originally posted by Roehre View Post
              The Avengers? Blake must be kidding: unless he is AKA Laurie Johnson.
              What makes you think that Laurie J scored every note of every episode?


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30817

                I draw particular attention to the question, addressed to the composer: 'What one song would work as the soundtrack to your life?' The interviewer seems far younger than 50 and is far less likely to know about cultural matters from almost two generations ago. I suspect she prepared the footnotes (probably with the help of Wikipedia) for the references she didn't understand herself.

                The one about Chopin was the saddest. I suspect it would be needed for most people under the age of 45, even Guardian readers.
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • ahinton
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 16123

                  It's pieces of umpteenth-rate hackery such as this one from Bennett non Gordon that almost make the knee-jerk anti-Guardian views of the likes of Mr Pee perfectly understandable...


                  • Roehre

                    Originally posted by Stephen Whitaker View Post
                    What makes you think that Laurie J scored every note of every episode?
                    Whether he has scored every note I don't know (though Johnson's orchestral scores which are fully 100% Johnson's show a very inventive and skillful orchestrator), but Johnson states he composed all the Avenger episodes (1961-1969) in a recent production of his music [a 3CD-set which includes a selection of Avenger music (including the Emma Peel/Diana Rigg episodes) as well as other film music and orchestral scores, like his symphony].
                    The situation might be different for the New Avengers (the Purdy/Joanna Lumley series that is), of which AFAIK only the "title song" is "pure" Johnson.


                    • french frank
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 30817

                      Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                      It's pieces of umpteenth-rate hackery such as this one from Bennett non Gordon that almost make the knee-jerk anti-Guardian views of the likes of Mr Pee perfectly understandable...
                      It seems to be the usual 'In Tune' type feature - to advertise a new product.
                      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                      • ahinton
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 16123

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        It seems to be the usual 'In Tune' type feature - to advertise a new product.
                        Well, if so, In Tune seems even more to be a thing best avoided!...


                        • Stephen Whitaker

                          Originally posted by Roehre View Post
                          Whether he has scored every note I don't know (though Johnson's orchestral scores which are fully 100% Johnson's show a very inventive and skillful orchestrator), but Johnson states he composed all the Avenger episodes (1961-1969) in a recent production of his music [a 3CD-set which includes a selection of Avenger music (including the Emma Peel/Diana Rigg episodes) as well as other film music and orchestral scores, like his symphony].
                          The situation might be different for the New Avengers (the Purdy/Joanna Lumley series that is), of which AFAIK only the "title song" is "pure" Johnson.

                          Only 10 episodes as against LJ's 155 but no doubt it paid well.

                          "The Avengers" (10 episodes )

                          Game (23 September 1968) - Composer
                          Super Secret Cypher Snatch (30 September 1968) - Composer
                          Noon-Doomsday (28 October 1968) - Composer
                          Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40? (30 October 1968) - composer (additional music)
                          All Done with Mirrors (13 November 1968) - Composer
                          Wish You Were Here (18 November 1968) - composer (additional music)
                          My Wildest Dream (17 December 1968) - composer (additional music)
                          The Interrogators (1 January 1969) - Composer
                          Take Me to Your Leader (10 February 1969) - Composer
                          Who Was That Man I Saw You With? (3 March 1969) - Composer


                          • Stephen Whitaker

                            Laura Barnett is indeed not to be confused with Laura Barton but nonetheless
                            to suggest she is incapable of comic insouciance is to miss the irony of the the whole 'footnote' tradition of these pieces.
                            In any case "Full of sadness but with hints of happiness" etc hardly merits the apoplexy lavished upon it;
                            that you consider it to be patronising says more about your pretensions to self-importance than Laura's journalism.

                            It is rather like a reader of Beachcomber writing to the Express to demand that Mr Justice Cocklecarrot be dismissed from the bench.
                            Last edited by Guest; 23-10-13, 13:57. Reason: correction of factual error


                            • Roehre

                              Originally posted by Stephen Whitaker View Post
                              Only 10 episodes as against LJ's 155 but no doubt it paid well.

                              "The Avengers" (10 episodes )

                              Game (23 September 1968) - Composer
                              Super Secret Cypher Snatch (30 September 1968) - Composer
                              Noon-Doomsday (28 October 1968) - Composer
                              Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40? (30 October 1968) - composer (additional music)
                              All Done with Mirrors (13 November 1968) - Composer
                              Wish You Were Here (18 November 1968) - composer (additional music)
                              My Wildest Dream (17 December 1968) - composer (additional music)
                              The Interrogators (1 January 1969) - Composer
                              Take Me to Your Leader (10 February 1969) - Composer
                              Who Was That Man I Saw You With? (3 March 1969) - Composer

                              Effectively the very last ten episodes therefore.

