Originally posted by Serial_Apologist
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8 composers you can live without
Originally posted by Suffolkcoastal View PostI'm the opposite I'm a great Bruckner admirer, but simply cannot get on with Mahler.Mahler does very little for me, I'm afraid.
I also know one or two rabid Mahlerians who just don't 'get' Bruckner.
The only connection between the two that I can see is that they knew and liked each other and the young M. allegedly attended one of B.'s music lectures (oh to have been a fly on that lecture-room wall!!), though the influence of Bruckner seems obvious to me in Mahler 9 which, therefore unsurprisingly, is the one Mahler symphony that really grips my attention.
Originally posted by Pabmusic View PostAn interesting phenomenon is apparent. Not a single poster seems to share my views on:
Sterndale Bennett
Does this mean that I'm the only person to have listened to their music in the last x years? Or that their music is so banal that it doesn't even merit consideration? Or that theirs is music of real worth and I'm just not getting it?
8 Composers I don't like/Don't feel like trying again?
Prokoviev (the living one with the turntables)
Fibich (thanks for reminding me)
the composer of that "Froms" thingy from a few last nights before that sounded roughly like a disorganised trainstation
two more ... will think about it and add them later.
Originally posted by Demetrius View PostLike what I heard of Sterndale Bennett, like Draeseke; Fibich 2nd Symphony bored me to death.
8 Composers I don't like/Don't feel like trying again?
Prokoviev (the living one with the turntables)
Fibich (thanks for reminding me)
the composer of that "Froms" thingy from a few last nights before that sounded roughly like a disorganised trainstation
two more ... will think about it and add them later.
Originally posted by scottycelt View Post...
The only connection between the two that I can see is that they knew and liked each other and the young M. allegedly attended one of B.'s music lectures (oh to have been a fly on that lecture-room wall!!), though the influence of Bruckner seems obvious to me in Mahler 9 which, therefore unsurprisingly, is the one Mahler symphony that really grips my attention.
The Symphonisches Präludium which is attributed to Mahler, according to the latest research, might be a piece by Bruckner.
The trio of the scherzo in Bruckner's Romantic symphony (1878 and later versions) is revisited in Mahler's Resurrection.
The very first time Mahler's name appeared in print was as the arranger of the piano-reduction of Bruckner's Third symphony, btw.
Originally posted by Roehre View PostI can get on with both of them, a bit more Mahler than Bruckner perhaps, but among my friends there is quite a number either/ors.
Neither are really popular topics of conversation with my mates.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.