Originally posted by mangerton
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Ten rules for being well-dressed: to follow, or to flout?
Richard Tarleton
David Marr recalls his first visit to see the rather formidable author Patrick White about whom he wished to write a biography. White's partner Manoly Lascaris greeted him at the front door and later remarked that he was very impressed by the fact that Marr's shoes were sporting a fine polish, at the back as well as at the front, something he felt worth noting.
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostMale birds display to females. Best display wins sex and breeding. They get old, lose the contest stop breeding and die. Go figure.] this is an analogy at best - in the case of birds it's genetic, top bird has genes worth passing on. In our culture, you buy your display off the peg, regardless of your genetic worth.
I suppose your outfit may be indicative of your bank balance, but you might still be a very bad bet, reproductively speaking
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostJayne - [ornithology again] this is an analogy at best - in the case of birds it's genetic, top bird has genes worth passing on. In our culture, you buy your display off the peg, regardless of your genetic worth.
I suppose your outfit may be indicative of your bank balance, but you might still be a very bad bet, reproductively speaking
Originally posted by Mary Chambers View PostI think I always notice what people are wearing, and a lot of other things about them, too. Appearance, including clothes, hair etc, tells me a lot about someone, and about whether I'll get on with them. If a woman has obviously spent hours on clothes, hair and make-up, I almost certainly won't enjoy her company. On the other hand unwashed hair, dirty fingernails and so on are very offputting in either sex. I think the ideal is enough effort to be acceptable and perhaps individual, but not enough to be artificial.
I think I've told this story before, but it seems à propos: My head of department, an immaculately conservative dresser, was moaning about one of the members of the department always looking so scruffy and 'wearing jeans'. I said, in a slighly embarrassed voice, 'I always wear jeans.'
At which point he looked down at my jeans in some amazement and said, 'But you always look so tidy!'
[Good point, Richard - and vinteuil! Mr Emerson had the Thoreau quote carved on his wardrobe in 'A Room with a View'.]It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View PostBeing clean and tidy is quite separate from wearing old clothes.
I think I've told this story before, but it seems à propos: My head of department, an immaculately conservative dresser, was moaning about one of the members of the department always looking so scruffy and 'wearing jeans'. I said, in a slighly embarrassed voice, 'I always wear jeans.'
At which point he looked down at my jeans in some amazement and said, 'But you always look so tidy!'
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostThose had a nickname in the Royal Navy that I could not possibly repeat on a family message board. This name was generally shortened to its initials.
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostThose had a nickname in the Royal Navy that I could not possibly repeat on a family message board. This name was generally shortened to its initials.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostI suppose your outfit may be indicative of your bank balance, but you might still be a very bad bet, reproductively speakingOriginally posted by mercia View PostI might use that as a chat-up line- what do you reckon ?
I reckon you MUST let us know how you get on !
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Caliban View PostA sequence of words that got me boggling slightly, shb...
Re: the argument that no one is obliged to follow other's mores. Yes, I agree. My guidelines are suggestions for what might be appropriate and how people might avoid looking daft ie. topper askew and in stockinged feet on the concourse of Waterloo Station!Last edited by Stillhomewardbound; 16-09-13, 01:36.