The Round Ball Game

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  • Auferstehen2

    Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
    all of Manchester both red and blue should be shamefaced today ... otpaced, outfought and outplayed both of 'em ...
    While the blue half of Manchester is hardly my favourite aCDJ, I think your comment is a bit unfair on City. United were worse than woeful, and again, I think Fergie underestimated the opposition. City have much the stronger chance of going through, not that I'll be supporting them mind!

    Last edited by Guest; 09-03-12, 13:09.


    • aka Calum Da Jazbo
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 9173

      i retract nothing i watched the whole 90 and City were deservedly beaten .... and both gave very passable imitations of Chelsea!
      According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25302

        Originally posted by Auferstehen2 View Post
        While the blue half of Manchester is hardly my favourite aCDJ, I think your comment is a bit unfair on City. United were worse than woeful, and again, I think Fergie underestimated the opposition. City have much the stronger chance of going through, not that I'll be supporting them mind!

        in the interview I heard before the game fergie was saying how good Bilbao were........perhaps united were too respectful ?!

        or perhaps they need a couple of extra world class players these days. (unlike all those other teams that don't need a couple of extra world class players !!).
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • Auferstehen2

          Thank you for your comments teamsaint, but I think you are being too kind. If only it were that easy. Make no mistake. Bilbao are a VERY good team, and they really did make United look second rate. I fear for our progress in the second leg, unless United, all of a sudden, remember who they are. I don't think there's any question that there will be a vast improvement in their game, but equally, Bilbao at home, with their supporters behind them? I can't see them losing by two goals.

          Best wishes,



          • Eine Alpensinfonie
            • Nov 2010
            • 20590

            Originally posted by Auferstehen2 View Post
            While the blue half of Manchester is hardly my favourite ....
            There isn't a blue half and a red half in Manchester. There's only one professional club in Manchester and they wear blue. The other team referred to is not a Manchester club. Trafford is not part of the city of Manchester, and never has been.


            • Auferstehen2

              I fly to Manchester on average twice a month to see my team play. Consistently, to get the "vibes" of the city, I ask about this. The cabbies always say to me, "This is an old one. Do Chelsea play at Chelsea, cos actually they're in Fulham?" This is, and always has been, a silly line EA.

              No, Manchester United is not in Manchester, but it is in Greater Manchester.

              Good enough for you?

              Incidentally, even blue taxi drivers confess that while Old Trafford can be filled ten times for each game, Eastlands would be hard pushed to fill it twice. So there.



              • teamsaint
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 25302

                Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                There isn't a blue half and a red half in Manchester. There's only one professional club in Manchester and they wear blue. The other team referred to is not a Manchester club. Trafford is not part of the city of Manchester, and never has been.
                so, in an attempt to be all serious, what about these two club cities ? How intense are the rivalries, and how do the cities divide
                Rivalries between cities that are close by seem to be particularly intense, (and nasty). Saints/poopey is a vicious spiteful rivalry, and I get the impression that norwich/ipswich may be similar. Forest/derby certainly seems nasty.

                How about the two club cities?
                Bristol Rovers/city seems to be less antagonistic.The support, from what I can tell splits very roughly north and east for rovers, south and west for city. Also city seem to attract a slightly more affluent support. Please correct me if I am wrong.

                Sheffield. How does the city divide? the rivalry seems very intense (of the "I would rather sit at hillsborough and watch the grass grow than watch Sheff utd type), but does it spill over into aggression?

                Dundee . How does that work?

                Forest/county seems fairly genteel compared to the Forest/Derby rivalry. Do county draw support from a particular area?

                Oh and quiz question. Which is Britains smallest town with 3 Professional teams ?
                Answers on a post card to Sean Rafferty at "in Tune" !!
                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                I am not a number, I am a free man.


                • EdgeleyRob
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 12180

                  Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                  The boy Messi would certainly be handy to have on the bench at Firhill ... wonder if he'd be tempted to swap Barcelona for Glasgow ... ?
                  He is going to be some player for sure, fantasy football indeed.

                  Incidentally my wife just said to me "I'm sick of you, all you ever talk about is football,football,football.I'm leaving you"
                  Then she said "I've met someone else.He's handsome, rich, younger than you,treats me like a queen and he loves me."
                  So I said "which team does he support?"


                  • scottycelt

                    Originally posted by EdgeleyRob View Post
                    He is going to be some player for sure, fantasy football indeed.

                    Incidentally my wife just said to me "I'm sick of you, all you ever talk about is football,football,football.I'm leaving you"
                    Then she said "I've met someone else.He's handsome, rich, younger than you,treats me like a queen and he loves me."
                    So I said "which team does he support?"

                    By the sound of it, if he's rich he's also probably a rugby or cricket fan so just tell the wife if she thinks you're boring, simply let her go to her perfect Prince Charming and she'll then swiftly appreciate just how lucky she has always been ... he sounds like a right smarmy git, anyway.

                    Don't stand for any nonsense, Rob ...


                    • cloughie
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 22273

                      Originally posted by scottycelt View Post

                      By the sound of it, if he's rich he's also probably a rugby or cricket fan so just tell the wife if she thinks you're boring, simply let her go to her perfect Prince Charming and she'll then swiftly appreciate just how lucky she has always been ... he sounds like a right smarmy git, anyway.

                      Don't stand for any nonsense, Rob ...
                      I'd say Rugby - he's obviously converted her, second thoughts maybe bowled her over!


                      • scottycelt

                        Originally posted by cloughie View Post
                        I'd say Rugby - he's obviously converted her, second thoughts maybe bowled her over!
                        Relax, man ... she may only be out for a 'duckie' ...


                        • cloughie
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2011
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                          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                          Relax, man ... she may only be out for a 'duckie' ...
                          He'd be after a pair!


                          • cloughie
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 22273

                            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post

                            Oh and quiz question. Which is Britains smallest town with 3 Professional teams ?
                            Answers on a post card to Sean Rafferty at "in Tune" !!
                            Don't know if its the smallest, but Sheffield currently has three, the two obvious plus Rotherham play at the Don Valley stadium which is within the city boundary.
                            Last edited by cloughie; 10-03-12, 16:28.


                            • Parry1912
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 967

                              Bolton 2
                              QPR 1

                              Can't see us staying up now. Not with the run-in we have.
                              Del boy: “Get in, get out, don’t look back. That’s my motto!”


                              • Auferstehen2

                                Surpised how well you're taking that obvious goal that crossed the line by a couple of feet, Parry 1912.


