Lancashire Lass, I don't have any particularly strong feelings about this, as money has for quite a long time so dominated everything to do with football that it seems to me we are almost in a condition of "anything goes". Looking at the interesting wiki entry about the relocation of Wimbledon FC, it shows that possible relocation of various clubs to Milton Keynes was mooted as early as the 1970s, and that Wimbledon FC owner Ron Noades purchased Milton Keynes City for £1 in 1979 presumably with a view to possible relocation though he later abandoned the idea. A later owner Hammam was even considering relocation to Dublin or "Scotland". The big problem was the sheer cost of a new stadium which would comply with the requirements of the Taylor report - for a club in financial difficulties (it went into administration) in the borough of Merton where property and redevelopment cost would be huge. What would have happened to Wimbledon FC had there been no relocation - would it have survived? I do agree that MK Dons should drop the name Dons - perhaps they can rename themselves "MK Academicals" 
But as an issue to get worked up about, compared with the questions of dodgy billionaire owners playing fast and loose with their clubs, stratospheric player salaries in the Premier League, the huge and growing discrepancies between the rich and the poor clubs so that success is easily bought, the high prices keeping out many supporters, the difficulty of local players getting a chance when it's so easy to import talent - sorry, it doesn't really exercise me. Or perhaps do people bother about it because the ground is just about the only thing that is local about football clubs these days?

But as an issue to get worked up about, compared with the questions of dodgy billionaire owners playing fast and loose with their clubs, stratospheric player salaries in the Premier League, the huge and growing discrepancies between the rich and the poor clubs so that success is easily bought, the high prices keeping out many supporters, the difficulty of local players getting a chance when it's so easy to import talent - sorry, it doesn't really exercise me. Or perhaps do people bother about it because the ground is just about the only thing that is local about football clubs these days?