I was filming in the Daimler - Benz works in Stuttgart for a BBC programme comparing their methods of car production with one ( not to be mentioned ! ) of ours. After several days I was asked by a senior member of their staff if I'd be prepared to do some filming from a car on their behalf.
A beautiful 4.5 litre Mercedes is waiting outside, with driver. The car is similar to the Safety Car we see at Formula 1 events.
Very impressive. Off we go & soon reach what is their test track, a massive circuit, overhead lights, different road surfaces, corners banked to varying degrees, anything you can think of, they have it !
We pull over into a lay-by. Much time is spent ensuring my seat belt is really firm. He, the driver,to my astonishment says he will not be wearing one, why I know not. Then to take care of the camera, as I shall be ' hand-holding ' it. More bits & pieces to help limit its travel should it attempt to escape from my grasp.
Off we go ! A marvellous feeling - such acceleration is fantastic !
He says he has instructions for me ;
When we have reached the required speed he will shout " Camera " - I will switch the camera on, then he will count out loud, " Eine, Zwei, Drei we will then instantly turn to the right ".
" Turn to the right where ? I haven't seen any right turnings " say I .
He says nothing but makes a gesture with the forefinger of his right hand as if he was stirring a cup of tea or coffee.
Oh dear ! I think I know what that means !
Shortly, on a long straight stretch he shouts the speed of the car to me in kilometres, I'm unsure if I'm hearing correctly although the dial appears to read almost 200kph. & he's not there yet !! Eventually, after gaining even more speed I hear him shout " Camera - Eine, Zwei, Drei " .....in a fraction of a second there is a vicious downward wrench on the wheel -
I freeze in my seat & hold my breath as we spin. Through the viewfinder a 360 degree panorama of all that is around us flashing past the windscreen. To my surprise the weight & speed of the car, which with a smooth road surface, is now obviously able to maintain its original trajectory. As well as rotating at high speed we appear to have travelled in a fairly straight line. Incredible !!
A beautiful 4.5 litre Mercedes is waiting outside, with driver. The car is similar to the Safety Car we see at Formula 1 events.
Very impressive. Off we go & soon reach what is their test track, a massive circuit, overhead lights, different road surfaces, corners banked to varying degrees, anything you can think of, they have it !
We pull over into a lay-by. Much time is spent ensuring my seat belt is really firm. He, the driver,to my astonishment says he will not be wearing one, why I know not. Then to take care of the camera, as I shall be ' hand-holding ' it. More bits & pieces to help limit its travel should it attempt to escape from my grasp.
Off we go ! A marvellous feeling - such acceleration is fantastic !
He says he has instructions for me ;
When we have reached the required speed he will shout " Camera " - I will switch the camera on, then he will count out loud, " Eine, Zwei, Drei we will then instantly turn to the right ".
" Turn to the right where ? I haven't seen any right turnings " say I .
He says nothing but makes a gesture with the forefinger of his right hand as if he was stirring a cup of tea or coffee.
Oh dear ! I think I know what that means !
Shortly, on a long straight stretch he shouts the speed of the car to me in kilometres, I'm unsure if I'm hearing correctly although the dial appears to read almost 200kph. & he's not there yet !! Eventually, after gaining even more speed I hear him shout " Camera - Eine, Zwei, Drei " .....in a fraction of a second there is a vicious downward wrench on the wheel -
I freeze in my seat & hold my breath as we spin. Through the viewfinder a 360 degree panorama of all that is around us flashing past the windscreen. To my surprise the weight & speed of the car, which with a smooth road surface, is now obviously able to maintain its original trajectory. As well as rotating at high speed we appear to have travelled in a fairly straight line. Incredible !!