Good places to visit

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628

    Good places to visit

    I thought it would be good to exchange suggestions for places reasonably within range, which merit a visit if one is in the area, or are worth a special trip.

    It occurred to me having had the great experience of returning last week (second time, last time 15 years ago) to

    Les Imaginaires du Mont Saint Michel

    It's a special night-time opening of the Abbey and Monastery at the top of the Mont Saint Michel, including areas and chambers which aren't normally open to daytime visitors, from 7pm to midnight (last entry 11pm) - with atmospheric lighting and music throughout.

    You're free to just wander around, following a general suggested direction... You round a corner and come upon a magical illuminated double cloister; or a huge refectory, lit with hundreds of hanging lights, with a lone flautist playing at the far end; or the Grande Terrasse, a huge open esplanade high up and giving a 180º+ view of the bay... (When I went there in the 90s, there were electrical storms all around, lightning dancing around the horizon was an unforgettable spectacle).

    Some of the music is live (there were four good student musicians, I think - flautist, cellist, harpist, violinist, placed at random around the place), some recorded (plain chant; polyphony; some modern ambient stuff... and as you leave through the illuminated gardens, Ravel's 'Jardin féerique' and Holst's 'Venus')

    It was amazing to arrive at sunset, then make one's way up through the closed empty streets as night fell, and then just ramble around...

    It's open from 11 July to 24 August this year. Adults get in for 10 Euros, 18-25 5 Euros, under-18s free. Parking in the new car-parks in-land plus the shuttle over the causeway is free till 2am.

    Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 09-08-13, 13:15.
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
