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  • Stanfordian
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 9361

    Originally posted by Jonathan View Post
    My primary and middle schools were fine and I might be persuaded to go to a reunion, if I still lived in the same area. Incidentally, I did actually go to one at my primary school when my headmaster retired and it was very strange to be back in the hall again after about 15 years. My sister and brother also attended the same school and they came too.

    Nothing on the planet would convince me to attend a reunion at my senior school.
    I was never comfortable at any of my junior or secondary schools and I would hate to be invited to any reunion. Wild horses couldn't make me attend such an abomination. Maybe education is wasted on the young, well it was on me!

    My college and university days were a different matter, all paid for by my employer, and I loved every single minute.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38181

      Originally posted by Jonathan View Post
      My primary and middle schools were fine and I might be persuaded to go to a reunion, if I still lived in the same area. Incidentally, I did actually go to one at my primary school when my headmaster retired and it was very strange to be back in the hall again after about 15 years. My sister and brother also attended the same school and they came too.

      Nothing on the planet would convince me to attend a reunion at my senior school.
      When I was completing my final year at senior school, I did return to the junior school on one occasion, and was surprised to note how small everything seemed to be.


      • BBMmk2
        Late Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 20908

        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
        When I was completing my final year at senior school, I did return to the junior school on one occasion, and was surprised to note how small everything seemed to be.
        Everything seems bigger when we were young, don’t they? When I went back to my prep school, I was quite surprised!
        Don’t cry for me
        I go where music was born

        J S Bach 1685-1750


        • jean
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7100

          I have been to a few school reunions, not least the one hosted by Edwina Currie in the House of Commons.

          And in the BBC4 programme on Grammar Schools, repeated recently, she assured us it had been the best school in the North West.

          I don't want to be proud of it as being a grammar school particularly, but it was a very early example of academic education for girls, and I'd like to be proud of that - though why couldn't whoever made this plaque get the apostrople in the right place?

          (If we were a bit younger, I suppose we'd all be on Facebook.)

          But now it's reninvented itself very succesfully as a thriving women's education centre, which is something to be proud of too.


          • french frank
            • Feb 2007
            • 30808

            Originally posted by jean View Post
            I don't want to be proud of it as being a grammar school particularly, but it was a very early example of academic education for girls, and I'd like to be proud of that - though why couldn't whoever made this plaque get the apostrople in the right place?
            Damn apostroples! I went to our 100th anniversary - and never again. But likewise I was proud that they were pioneers for girls’ education.
            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


            • oddoneout
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 9526

              Yesterday I found myself thinking that a misplaced apostrophe might almost be desirable...A large recently erected sign on the outskirts of town proudly proclaims 'Department for Works and Pension'. Perhaps a little lost white tadpole on the tasteful blue background might have been noticed before it was too late, whereas this version I suspect has not been clocked as a mistake.
              Mind you it does suggest why there might be a pensions shortfall - only one for x million people?


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30808

                Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                Yesterday I found myself thinking that a misplaced apostrophe might almost be desirable...A large recently erected sign on the outskirts of town proudly proclaims 'Department for Works and Pension'. Perhaps a little lost white tadpole on the tasteful blue background might have been noticed before it was too late, whereas this version I suspect has not been clocked as a mistake.
                Mind you it does suggest why there might be a pensions shortfall - only one for x million people?
                Yes, if you could move the s from Works to the end of Pension?
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • oddoneout
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2015
                  • 9526

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  Yes, if you could move the s from Works to the end of Pension?
                  If I were paid the kind of money that was spent on making the wrong sign I might be tempted. As it is, there are very very few occasions where I think a modern mobile phone would be useful, but that was one of them - quick snap and an email to the local rag.


                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    A blue plaque has been awarded to a pigeon in my town. He was carrying important messages, in WW2. Had great courage as well. Bless him!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38181

                      Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                      A blue plaque has been awarded to a pigeon in my town. He was carrying important messages, in WW2. Had great courage as well. Bless him!


                      • oddoneout
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 9526

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        Yes, if you could move the s from Works to the end of Pension?
                        I noticed today that someone had attempted a correction. An s has been added to pension - but not removed from works.....I suppose it's easier to add a white letter than colour out the surplus one. Having experience of how our county council works in such matters I imagine an invoice will be presented by the sign manufacturer for payment from the council to the firm to correct the mistake made by said firm.....


                        • Joseph K
                          • Oct 2017
                          • 7765

                          I haven't played my guitar any more than usual today (2 hours so far) but for some reason my left hand aches and the top left corner of my ring finger of the same hand hurts if I apply pressure to it - which, of course, I do, though it is a dull sort of pain.


                          • gradus
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5666

                            I foolishly tried to improve the flexibility of my right thumb in a vain attempt to get my hand to work better fumbling up and down the piano keyboard. The result was an inability to grip anything that required the slightest pressure from the thumb for the next few days, a particularly stupid thing to have done as I needed to unload 40sq mtrs of solid oak flooring.


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Stranger things have happened, oddoneout!

                              Went to se my cancer doc a couple of days ago and everything is all behaving. The type of cancer I have is not curable but treatable. I seem to be on an even keel!
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750


                              • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                                Gone fishin'
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 30163

                                Originally posted by BBMmk2 View Post
                                Went to se my cancer doc a couple of days ago and everything is all behaving. The type of cancer I have is not curable but treatable. I seem to be on an even keel!
                                Very good to hear this, Bbm
                                [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

