Absent Friends & Missing Persons

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  • doversoul1
    Ex Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 7132

    Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
    Courtesy of gamba who posted this last year;

    ... and gamba, I hope all is as well as can be with you and you are enjoying Haydn’s string quartets and making more musical discoveries.

    Very sad that we seem to have no more news of salymap, the very person who started this thread.


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      Originally posted by subcontrabass View Post
      That is a work which has a particular resonance for me as I knew all the people involved: John Tavener, Mother Thekla, and Athene Hariades.
      That must be quite a unique association SCB. thank you for sharing. And thank you everyone for your posts. Much appreciated. We have a funeral date and we had ironically, had to move it as the Abbott at Worth Abbey(where dad went to church), wanted to attend the funeral too!
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • richardfinegold
        Full Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 7898

        Has anyone emailed Calum?


        • Beef Oven!
          • Sep 2013
          • 18147

          Just caught up with this thread - deepest sympathies BBM
          speedy recovery RF


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38194

            Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
            Has anyone emailed Calum?
            Yep - me, a couple of days ago. No word as yet...


            • StephenO

              Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
              That must be quite a unique association SCB. thank you for sharing. And thank you everyone for your posts. Much appreciated. We have a funeral date and we had ironically, had to move it as the Abbott at Worth Abbey(where dad went to church), wanted to attend the funeral too!
              I've only just caught up with this thread too. My deepest sympathies, BBM. I was so sorry to hear the news. At whatever age you lose a parent you still feel like an orphan but time and music are great healers.


              • richardfinegold
                Full Member
                • Sep 2012
                • 7898

                I am somewhat frustrated with my recovery here. My endurance just isn't there--one or two tasks and I have to lay down. I can measure progress every day but it is frustratingly slow.
                I just wanted to add a kudo for my wonderful wife, who has been my Private Duty Nurse. The one positive from this--above being able to inhabit the planet for another couple of decades or so--is the closeness that we have shared. What a difference having a great partner can make.


                • doversoul1
                  Ex Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 7132

                  I think endurance is something that most of us are forced to learn. You could make this as an opportunity to acquire it. You may find it (though not always) interesting to observe your own response to various situations. In the meantime, you could explore off the beaten track and nearly extinct composers’ works. There is so much to listen to that you may even wish you could be in a state of incapacitated longer (I hope not though).

                  Do take it easy and get well soon.


                  • richardfinegold
                    Full Member
                    • Sep 2012
                    • 7898

                    Hate to turn this into sort of a twitter feed...but saw the Cardiologist, they are pleased, and most importantly they are eliminating the Beta Blockers, which I think have been kicking my butt, since my pulse drops to 48 when I stand.
                    Thanks, ds. I had actually meant my previous message as a tribute to my wife, who has been wonderful.
                    Now, back to our regularly scheduled talk about music...


                    • Dave2002
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 18109

                      Originally posted by StephenO View Post
                      I've only just caught up with this thread too. My deepest sympathies, BBM. I was so sorry to hear the news. At whatever age you lose a parent you still feel like an orphan but time and music are great healers.
                      I also add my sympathes to BBM, who has sadly had more than one significant loss in recent times.


                      • Dave2002
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 18109

                        Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                        Hate to turn this into sort of a twitter feed...but saw the Cardiologist, they are pleased, and most importantly they are eliminating the Beta Blockers, which I think have been kicking my butt, since my pulse drops to 48 when I stand.
                        Thanks, ds. I had actually meant my previous message as a tribute to my wife, who has been wonderful.
                        Now, back to our regularly scheduled talk about music...

                        Perhaps you are being too impatient. Maybe baby steps is what you need. Have you checked how others with similar situations fared shortly after their operations? I have a friend who had something very similar a few years ago, and he now plays golf I believe to the same high standards as before, but he may have had some short term endurance issues immediately after his operation. I've never asked him - he did seem to recover quickly - but it could be useful (helpful, reassuring) to ask around.

                        Are you on a monitored exercise programme? Sometimes too little exercise, or the wrong kind of exercise can either cause problems, or just impede appropriate recovery. Here in the UK some operations are associated with a follow up period of phsyio therapy - though the phsyio therapists and the surgeons don't always appear to communicate too well. Thus "take it easy for a while" advice on leaving hospital might result in a physio therapist later complaining that too much muscle tone has been lost and it will take quite a time to build it up again. Getting a balance right can present difficulties, though the benefits in some cases can be very significant.

                        In the meantime keep listening to the music.


                        • richardfinegold
                          Full Member
                          • Sep 2012
                          • 7898

                          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post

                          Perhaps you are being too impatient. Maybe baby steps is what you need. Have you checked how others with similar situations fared shortly after their operations? I have a friend who had something very similar a few years ago, and he now plays golf I believe to the same high standards as before, but he may have had some short term endurance issues immediately after his operation. I've never asked him - he did seem to recover quickly - but it could be useful (helpful, reassuring) to ask around.

                          Are you on a monitored exercise programme? Sometimes too little exercise, or the wrong kind of exercise can either cause problems, or just impede appropriate recovery. Here in the UK some operations are associated with a follow up period of phsyio therapy - though the phsyio therapists and the surgeons don't always appear to communicate too well. Thus "take it easy for a while" advice on leaving hospital might result in a physio therapist later complaining that too much muscle tone has been lost and it will take quite a time to build it up again. Getting a balance right can present difficulties, though the benefits in some cases can be very significant.

                          In the meantime keep listening to the music.
                          I haven't been cleared for Cardiac Rehab (the term used here for the exercise class) and as I am used to exercising at least 1 hour a day, it is driving me bonkers.
                          I walk 2 blocks back& forth three times a day with my Private Duty Nurse (my wife) watching me like a hawk and slamming the brakes if I take one extra step.
                          In addition my neighbors who are aware of the situation have been popping their heads out of the windows asking if I am overdoing it. I see the Surgeon Tuesday and if they don't take the wraps off I may become homicidal.
                          I still get some lightheadedness after I take Amiodarone, my antiartythmic agent, but since they have cut that to once a day from 3 times a day, I will start taking it at night and see if I can sleep through the worst of it.
                          Thanks for asking, Dave


                          • Zucchini
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 917

                            I appreciate that Absent Friends & Missing Persons is currently about medical operations, commentaries and advice on same, bereavements and commiserations on same.

                            But apologies for going off-topic, I want to know where Amateur51 is. He issued over 21,500 posts, averaging 13+ a day by Xmas Eve (OK many were just symbols & smileys). I'm surprised and find it odd.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30818

                              Zucchers, I think we've exhausted the lines of enquiry

                              Originally posted by Zucchini View Post
                              I appreciate that Absent Friends & Missing Persons is currently about medical operations, commentaries and advice on same, bereavements and commiserations on same.

                              But apologies for going off-topic, I want to know where Amateur51 is. He issued over 21,500 posts, averaging 13+ a day by Xmas Eve (OK many were just symbols & smileys). I'm surprised and find it odd.
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • BBMmk2
                                Late Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 20908

                                Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                                I also add my sympathes to BBM, who has sadly had more than one significant loss in recent times.
                                thank you again everyone who has contributed to my sad loss. I am playing music now and have for the pass few days. At the moment Mahler's 2.
                                Don’t cry for me
                                I go where music was born

                                J S Bach 1685-1750

