Absent Friends & Missing Persons

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Stroke of the pen. I just post as an administrator now. Too old for the cut and thrust.

    Elsewhere, yes r3ok is defunct. My own feeling is that what has kept this forum afloat has been Radio 3. As long as it has listeners, we can get new members to replace those who depart. But a board that had become just a social chat place, centred round classical music, is a bit harder for new members to crack into. My memory is that having been very much r3ok (albeit largely r3notok), they took a decision to cut the ties after a relaunch. This is my justification for insisting that this forum remains fairly tightly focused on Radio 3, and not letting the diversionary popular discussions take over while the (particularly classical) music interest declines as a result of interest in Radio 3 souring a bit/lot.

    There was "history" between us and r3ok - witness the fact that my join date to this forum was in 2007, three years before this one actually started. But we kept faith with them, keeping the link to their site on our links sidebar until they finally sank. But make no mistake, they were just as ruthless at ejecting people who rocked their boat in a way that was unacceptable to them. And I wouldn't criticise them for that.
    While it ran, R3OK was funded by voluntary contributions and its moderators were elected by the registered users. Unlike this forum, it was not well protected from spam and trolls. I think the bombardment by such was a strong contributory factor in its demise.


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30822

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      Like 8th this is the first I heard of any of this. However, it seems that the discussion was behind closed doors, and the doors were never opened.
      I think you misread the situation. Preliminary talks were held to see what the possibilities were, but they didn't advance very far so there was nothing to put to members. The whole matter was dropped. It was only raised in the context of FoR3 handing over the administration of the board, and how the break between the forum and FoR3 could be complete. We hit some snags and that was that. I was making the point that FoR3 has no formal objection to handing over the board to members if they want that - but on the condition that they take full responsibility for organiising it, buying the new licence, removing the forum from the FoR3 domain and covering all costs incurred. We're not so desperate to change that we're going to do it all for you.

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      If there continue to be issues of funding or running it, we could at least be informed.
      There aren't. The board, as far as FoR3 is concerned, continues as usual. The issue seemed to be that some people objected to it continuing as usual.

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      Other viable boards have mounted successful funding campaigns (not compulsory) when costs rose.
      It needs someone to take the lead and organise it. But as I say, as long as people are happy for the forum to be run as it is being run, that will continue to be the case.

      To Bryn: Yes it was noticeable that the regular increase in members was mainly down to spammers and there seemed to be no mechanism to delete their accounts - that has been a duty of the forum admin here.
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • Padraig
        Full Member
        • Feb 2013
        • 4273

        Originally posted by LMcD View Post
        I'm surprised at the apparent lack of interest in what, for me, are one of the highlights of the Radio 3 week, namely the Lunchtime Concerts, which I regularly review, without, however, eliciting much response. I can't be the only Forum member to listen to them - can I?
        No, you are not alone, McD. But eliciting a response is probably a bridge too far. Just enjoy, like I do, the concerts you can hear. We also serve.


        • Pulcinella
          • Feb 2014
          • 11390

          Originally posted by Padraig View Post
          No, you are not alone, McD. But eliciting a response is probably a bridge too far. Just enjoy, like I do, the concerts you can hear. We also serve.
          Part of the problem is that Radio 3, per se, appeals to increasingly fewer of us: I can't think of last time I tuned in.
          I hope that the Proms season will help rebalance things.

          We did watch Lucy Crowe's Wigmore Hall recital, though.


          • Edgy 2
            • Jan 2019
            • 2035

            Originally posted by LMcD View Post
            I'm surprised at the apparent lack of interest in what, for me, are one of the highlights of the Radio 3 week, namely the Lunchtime Concerts, which I regularly review, without, however, eliciting much response. I can't be the only Forum member to listen to them - can I?
            I'm a big fan of the lunchtime concerts (except the Lieder recitals,which I can't abide,I love English song though,wierd I know)I usually listen on catch up rather than live.
            I always read your comments with interest without having much to add myself.
            “Music is the best means we have of digesting time." — Igor Stravinsky


            • Edgy 2
              • Jan 2019
              • 2035

              Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
              All this is a bit bemusing for anyone like me who missed all the offending posts. A massive disappointment for us all if we will no longer have Jayne's inspiring contributions. It seems she was censored for quoting Joni Mitchell. A favourite singer whose lyrics I know rather well. It's hard to blame Jayne for being upset.

              Being a friend of Radio 3 is my only concession to social media - apart from using WhatsApp for family chat and arranging tennis games - so I won't be leaving. It would be my loss.

              PS The Kafka character was a different person, spelling his name Josef.
              I haven't yet come to terms with the forum without our Jayne
              “Music is the best means we have of digesting time." — Igor Stravinsky


              • Ein Heldenleben
                Full Member
                • Apr 2014
                • 7278

                Originally posted by LMcD View Post
                I'm surprised at the apparent lack of interest in what, for me, are one of the highlights of the Radio 3 week, namely the Lunchtime Concerts, which I regularly review, without, however, eliciting much response. I can't be the only Forum member to listen to them - can I?
                I listen to them quite regularly but because (until lockdown ) I was often working with them on in the background I was a but reluctant to comment as I am a bit of a purist. I agree - tremendous standard . I would also put in a word for In Concert - so many fine performances often uncommented.


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6533

                  Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                  I'm a big fan of the lunchtime concert (except the Lieder recitals,which I can't abide,I love English song though,wierd I know)
                  ....with all these fabulous singers, why goes it have to be Lieder....surely would be an encouragement to young composers if there was a PLACE where their effort might be heard, or in fact requested....
                  bong ching


                  • ahinton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 16123

                    Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                    I haven't yet come to terms with the forum without our Jayne
                    You are by no means alone in that...


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38197

                      Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
                      Thanks for the background and thanks for all your efforts - they are much appreciated . I would prefer more of a focus on Radio 3 Output particularly live (!?) performance because I get a great deal of pleasure in discussing musical matters with knowledgeable and , if newer to classical music , enthusiastic people. This is important because of the huge decline in press coverage of classcal music . I can remember in the 70's a whole page of the broadsheet Times being given over to performance with writers like Felix Aprahamian , William Mann and Joan Chisell - the latter reviewing every Wigmore Hall debut. All that has now gone with Richard Morrison lucky to get 500 words for a review. There's plenty of musical gossip (Slipped Disc) miles of listings (Bachtrack) but limited quality reviewing. It must be very dispiriting being a young soloist and giving performance after performance with no press coverage. It was (pre- lockdown) ,even on this very engaged, forum quite common for remarkable live performances on Radio 3 In Concert to go unremarked - sometimes performances which completely left in the shade heavily commmented Proms concerts. Classical music has never needed the support of people like us more . It is no exaggeration to say that the future of live performance hangs in the balance - let's not fall out over electronic misunderstandings
                      I very much empathise with your feelings, Heldenleben, but from the point of view of having myself often wondered why so few on this forum want to get into actual music as much as in who is conducting or performing it - apart from on the jazz thread, where those two aspects are so mutually indispensable, and are talked about in conjunction. However I am also with those whose appreciation of the spirit of the forum is inseparable from the fact that it discusses more than just musical issues. Were such discusion to be conducted in the spirit of respectful articulacy we criticise Radio 3 for having left behind, namely treating its listenership as intelligent adults - which was what brought many of us into expanding our musical, and other universes - I don't believe there would be any problems with the existing remit, and it would be policed more permissively.


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38197

                        Originally posted by LMcD View Post
                        I'm surprised at the apparent lack of interest in what, for me, are one of the highlights of the Radio 3 week, namely the Lunchtime Concerts, which I regularly review, without, however, eliciting much response. I can't be the only Forum member to listen to them - can I?
                        I have to admit that the lunchtime and afternoon concerts are times when I am otherwise involved than in music of most kinds, though I do always read your reviews, for which many thinks indeed.


                        • LMcD
                          Full Member
                          • Sep 2017
                          • 8922

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          I have to admit that the lunchtime and afternoon concerts are times when I am otherwise involved than in music of most kinds, though I do always read your reviews, for which many thinks indeed.
                          Although happily retired, I manage to keep myself pretty busy - even during this pesky lock-down - but make a point of having a regulation lunch hour from 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. in order to enjoy this particular Radio 3 'slot'.


                          • oddoneout
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2015
                            • 9531

                            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                            I very much empathise with your feelings, Heldenleben, but from the point of view of having myself often wondered why so few on this forum want to get into actual music as much as in who is conducting or performing it - apart from on the jazz thread, where those two aspects are so mutually indispensable, and are talked about in conjunction. However I am also with those whose appreciation of the spirit of the forum is inseparable from the fact that it discusses more than just musical issues. Were such discusion to be conducted in the spirit of respectful articulacy we criticise Radio 3 for having left behind, namely treating its listenership as intelligent adults - which was what brought many of us into expanding our musical, and other universes - I don't believe there would be any problems with the existing remit, and it would be policed more permissively.
                            In some cases, such as myself, perhaps because of lack of the relevant knowledge to analyse music? I feel reasonably confident about commenting on actual performance, if only because after 6 decades of listening and some experience of playing/singing I have some idea of options available. I read the 'technical' discussions but much of it doesn't mean very much to me and, as I have remarked elsewhere I have accepted that for whatever reason it is a language that I have been unable to learn.


                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18111

                              Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                              I haven't yet come to terms with the forum without our Jayne
                              Has she gone, or has she been banned? What's going on?

                              She still has posts in place, and her Profile still lists her as a full member. Has she gone off in disgust at the way she feels she has been treated? I just don't know what's happened, as I didn't follow the incidents fully. It seems very unfortunate.


                              • french frank
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30822

                                Dave2002, you put it correctly. She has gone off in disgust at the way she feels she has been treated. Opinions are sharply divided on 'the way she has been treated'. But the reality is that if you post material which other members find objectionable, and the moderator agrees, it will be deleted. Four members openly objected to the complete lyric of a Prince song which, in its day, was notorious and led to demands that Parental Advice notices should be placed on any such material.

                                The fact that "We are all grown-ups" does not mean that all grown-ups want to be unexpectedly confronted with such material. The deletion of the post stands. Jayne's return is her own choice.
                                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

