Can anyone help me find a brilliant online film clip that I used to have in my PC's favourites?
It was of two English ladies live in a club or similar, singing a parody version of the Lakme Flower Duet in which they introduced themselves as in-flight 'trolley dollies' to their passengers, disparaged the food they'd shortly be serving, and made catty remarks about each other's supposed sexual involvement with the pilot.
I've searched YouTube without result, and more general Googling hasn't found it either.
My reason for needing it? I have a co-worker who says she doesn't like any classical music and, yes, she did work as an airline trolley dolly!
It was of two English ladies live in a club or similar, singing a parody version of the Lakme Flower Duet in which they introduced themselves as in-flight 'trolley dollies' to their passengers, disparaged the food they'd shortly be serving, and made catty remarks about each other's supposed sexual involvement with the pilot.
I've searched YouTube without result, and more general Googling hasn't found it either.
My reason for needing it? I have a co-worker who says she doesn't like any classical music and, yes, she did work as an airline trolley dolly!
