Originally posted by Flosshilde
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Which Parsifal will you play this weekend? There are no wrong answers!
Act I is on CD 1 & 2; Act II is on CD 3; Prelude to Act III is on CD 3; rest of Act III is on CD 4. "the prelude is on one CD & the rest of the act is on another" isn't quite the same as 'one CD contains the prelude (& nothing else) & the rest of the act is on another.'
As the Prelude to Act III in this performance lasts for five and three quarter minutes I would have thought it would fit onto CD 4 with the rest of the act.
It's the Naxos reissue, from a Decca issue. It would be interesting to know if Decca had the same arrangement for Act III.
Originally posted by Flosshilde View PostAs the Prelude to Act III in this performance lasts for five and three quarter minutes I would have thought it would fit onto CD 4 with the rest of the act.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by AmpH View PostCheers ER. Leave Wagner to the masochists and have another crack at Sibelius instead !
, and the gloriously resurrectionist Bruckner 5 on the day itself.
Okay I'm biased ... but I can't honestly think of two more appropriate works than the first and third of the above, given the composer's great and (still) widely-mocked Christian faith?
One day those at R3 will finally cotton on, I'm sure ...
Originally posted by P. G. Tipps View PostAs Easter is the greatest Christian festival of all (even puts Christmas in the shade) I've long thought the most appropriate works to listen to are the Unfinished Bruckner 9 (Good Friday), Bruckner 0 on Easter Saturday, and the gloriously resurrectionist Bruckner 5 on the day itself.
Okay I'm biased ... but I can't honestly think of two more appropriate works than the first and third of the above, given the composer's great and (still) widely-mocked Christian faith?
One day those at R3 will finally cotton on, I'm sure ...
We could do without Christmas, but never without Easter.
JSBach St.Matthew Passion perhaps for Good Friday?
see also here
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostWagner - Parsifal, Act III
Chorus and Orchestra Of the Bayreuth Festival, Boulez et al. Deutsche Grammophon.
Not having listened to Parsifal in a while, returning to it in this pacey, direct performance makes a refreshing change from my usual Goodall, Knappertsbusch, Karajan go-to recordings.
it will be Herbert von Karajan, BPO Deutsche Grammaphon.