Over the past month or so, the Left has greatly exercised itself with the workings of the Vatican and has lobbed the same predictable criticisms in the direction of Rome. These can be easily summarised, as follows:
1) The Vatican is a sexist, chauvinist institution, which favours European candidates for the Papacy over those from other parts of the world.
2) The largest and most devout part of the Catholic population is in Africa, yet because the Vatican is an inherently racist institution, it will never elect a Pope who is other than white.
3) Whoever succeeds to the Shoes of the Fisherman, it will be the same old story as regards birth control, sexuality, etc, etc.
In the event, as we know, objection 1 was confounded. But had the conclave been prepared to confound the second objection, the Left would have been confronted with a very interesting dilemma. Most black African bishops are known for their extremely conservative views on the topics mentioned in objection 3 - and leftists/liberals the world over would have been placed in the sticky position of having to criticise a black man who holds views diametrically opposed to their own. Naturally, they would try to rationalise Pope Rastus's conservatism by blaming the legacy of white imperialism which kept the black man in a state of primitive subjugation for so long; but it would be difficult for them to sustain this theme without appearing patronising. All in all, they'd find a black Pope very difficult to deal with....
Of course, most of the Vatican's left-wing critics are atheists, anyway, and completely fail to understand why the issues outlined in objection 3 mean so much to people of faith; or that the reason for the Catholic Church's survival over the centuries is down precisely to the fact that its fundamentals don't change.
1) The Vatican is a sexist, chauvinist institution, which favours European candidates for the Papacy over those from other parts of the world.
2) The largest and most devout part of the Catholic population is in Africa, yet because the Vatican is an inherently racist institution, it will never elect a Pope who is other than white.
3) Whoever succeeds to the Shoes of the Fisherman, it will be the same old story as regards birth control, sexuality, etc, etc.
In the event, as we know, objection 1 was confounded. But had the conclave been prepared to confound the second objection, the Left would have been confronted with a very interesting dilemma. Most black African bishops are known for their extremely conservative views on the topics mentioned in objection 3 - and leftists/liberals the world over would have been placed in the sticky position of having to criticise a black man who holds views diametrically opposed to their own. Naturally, they would try to rationalise Pope Rastus's conservatism by blaming the legacy of white imperialism which kept the black man in a state of primitive subjugation for so long; but it would be difficult for them to sustain this theme without appearing patronising. All in all, they'd find a black Pope very difficult to deal with....
Of course, most of the Vatican's left-wing critics are atheists, anyway, and completely fail to understand why the issues outlined in objection 3 mean so much to people of faith; or that the reason for the Catholic Church's survival over the centuries is down precisely to the fact that its fundamentals don't change.