Unnnatural Natural History Programmes

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  • gamba
    Late member
    • Dec 2010
    • 575

    Unnnatural Natural History Programmes

    Speeded-up & slow-motion shots of animals, plants, skies, water, grotesquely enlarged images of the sun & moon, together with totally unnecessary & inappropriate orchestral background music - such are the ingredients of so many programmes professing to show nature as it is.
    However, nothing came as a greater surprise to me than to hear David Attenborough in the ' Africa ' series referring to the Rock Python as going off to " crush life out of her victims." He, of all people, should know better. The constrictors, boas & pythons, constrict, they do NOT crush their prey.
    A quick strike with it's head & open jaws is suffecient to hold the victim down, which, followed by two or three coils around the body gradually tighten suffeciently to allow their prey to breathe out but not in, hence death is in fact by suffocation, not crushing, a more humane method than that utilised by many other predators.

    In 1942 or thereabouts I was posted to a small RAF pilot training camp deep in the African bush, in a country now known as Zimbabwe. The purpose was for me to maintain aircraft so they would stay up in the air until the pilot ( & only the pilot, not the aircraft ! ) decided when it was time to come down again. This gave me a marvellous opportunity to learn to fly. ( unofficially, of course ! ). Also, I was able to set-up a musical appreciation group with records borrowed from the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation. It was well attended, after all, they were a sort of captive audience & had nowhere else to go ! However, most memorable was being able to buy a motorcycle for very little money & use it to explore the bush. This was, I was told, the first BSA to have chain drive, earlier models had a belt. Quite naturally there were fears about being alone in the bush, the greatest of which, to me anyway, was the prospect of encountering snakes. I already had some relatively ' close-up ' experience of snakes in having to remove them from warm aircraft engines after late night ' running- in ' after a re-build. I would use a long stick with a hook on the end & fling them as far as possible into the bush, not knowing whether they were poisonous or not - this disturbed me & demanded I found out more about snakes, buying books & speaking to people who would know more on the subject. Eventually I explored a fairly wide area, acquiring much information on what there was, the species of snake, sizes, numbers etc.. Much feared locally were the Ringhals & Boomslang & of course, the name we all know, the Black Mamba, which is actually grey.

    After 2 -3 years I returned to the UK & within a few days paid a visit to the reptile house of the London Zoo. The staff were very interested to know of my travels but even more so when I mentioned having records ( of a sort ! ). These activated some excitement amongst them as they provided additional evidence in their favour against a book which they knew to be highly suspect in it's accuracy & other matters regarding the snakes of Southern Africa. They were delighted with what I was able to provide them with. I was offered sherry from little specimen glasses , not knowing what they had previously contained. I was told they almost always have more specimens than required - would I like a pair of reticulated pythons ?

    My mother had the answer; They come, you go !!!

    Many years later & living in Scotland I accepted their offer & had a large vivarium installed in our living room with ( at one time ) 2boas & 3 pythons.

    However, hadn't realised what a problem this could be - my wife & I rarely got out in the evening together ...........

    ........difficulty getting a babysitter - I wonder why ?

    With especially fond wishes to you all

  • Flosshilde
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7988

    Gosh, Gamba, it sounds as if you could have done the programme!

    I absolutely agree with you on the music, but some of the time-lapse photography of plants etc growing can be very illuminating (& who would want to watch a film showing seeds germinating, growing to maturity, developing seeds & dying in real time? ).

    Happy birthday for Friday - I hope you have a wonderful day & many more of them


    • Richard Tarleton

      Marvellous stuff Gamba. What did you feed your python and boas on - do they require live prey?

      A rare lapse from David Attenborough as you say. He himself has been heard to complain about time-lapse and slow motion, and they (plus the music) do make wildlife programmes increasingly detatched from what you actually experience if you go out to look at wildlife yourself.


      • kernelbogey
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5876

        Gamba - what a fascinating post. Thank you.

        Happy Birthday for Friday.

        BW, kb


        • ardcarp
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11102

          Thanks for that brilliant account of your time in Africa, Gamba. As far as NH programmes are concerned, I often wonder if there is more to life than predation and copulation...but having it in slow motion AND to music, well, it makes you think


          • kernelbogey
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5876

            I agree about the decoration of film of wildlife with fancy editing and intrusive music detracting from the function of the programme. Unfortunately the directors are in charge and seem to want to flaunt all their budget and expertise. Helicopter shots of presenters on rocky eminences always irritate me as unnecessary and pretentious.

            When you look at the short end-section about the filming you can judge how expensive these projects are - often weeks of waiting for the shot - and there's clearly an obligation on the production team to maximise audience and overseas sales.

            I'd prefer a more straightforward style, but I imagine that would be regarded as 'old-fashioned'. Unfortunately a by-product of new technology is an obsession with using it to the full.


            • gamba
              Late member
              • Dec 2010
              • 575

              Caliban - I owe you an apology - never did manage to get the photo attached to the text. Your explanation re. the BBC end was great, trouble was I lost all contact with imgur although I searched on numerous occasions. It must still be floating around their premises, three little girls, my nieces & a royal python, answers to the name of Samantha ! The code was Rd99vNss.jpg

              Grateful thanks for your help anyway,



              • salymap
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 5969

                gamba I showed your message 1 here to my local cousin, and wife. They enjoyed it and she remarked that your wife was a brave woman to put up with snakes in the house. Supposethe vivarium broke. .


                • gamba
                  Late member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 575

                  Sajymap, thanks for message. Their enclosure had thick plate glass frontage & at no time was anyone at risk.
                  Anyway, our children would be too large to swallow !


                  • gradus
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5665

                    Fascinating account of Gamba's African experience with snakes. Like many I have an instinctive fear of them although we have grass snakes in the garden and our neighbour has had an adder in her garden.
                    It was quite enough for me to tread on or near the tail of a grass snake whilst out jogging last year - I glanced down and saw it writhing.


                    • ardcarp
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 11102

                      Warning. High off-topic risk.
                      Two adder experiences.
                      1. Seen one on a beach trying to hide among rocks with an incoming tide. It had fallen off the grassy cliff above, it was assumed.
                      2. Friend occasionally has adders dropping from sky into garden. Apparently buzzards will take them from nearby grassy/brackeny slopes, find they are unable to cope with the writhing and let them go again.


                      • Flosshilde
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 7988

                        Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                        1. Seen one on a beach trying to hide among rocks with an incoming tide. It had fallen off the grassy cliff above, it was assumed.
                        I hoped you rescued it


                        • Anna

                          On a cliff top walk in Cornwall I came across some basking adders. Oh, there's lovely I thought as I leaned towards them, and then they sort of hissed .... and I beat a retreat. Only other experience was in the Blue Mountains, Australia, where a snake slithered out of the undergrowth in front of me. I have though stroked some snakes at wildlife parks, they are not cold to touch and are very beautiful but I'd rather really not meet them, although I reckon more people are killed by spiders.


                          • ardcarp
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 11102

                            I hoped you rescued it
                            Clad only in speedos (don't dwell on that) I felt a tad vulnerable, so sadly....no.


                            • gamba
                              Late member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 575

                              MY reply to various contributors seems to keep disappearing. Will continue when I can get access to my computer again,
                              not having to use a horrid little ipad which seems to have a mind of it's own grrrr !

