Hands up! Who remembers an independent inquiry into the war in Iraq with Sir John Chilcot as Chair?
Well according to the Independent the inquiry into how Tony Blair committed Britain to war in Iraq is set to challenge the official version of events when it reports later this year. The team led by Sir John Chilcot, which is examining Britain's part in the US-led invasion, will "challenge previous accounts of what happened", according to senior sources in the inquiry.
The prospect of a report which authoritatively confronts the established narrative from 2002 and 2003 – when Mr Blair sent 45,000 British troops into Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein – will unnerve many senior figures in Whitehall, and others who no longer operate at the heart of government.
By this May, the inquiry team expects to begin contacting those individuals who will be directly criticised in the Iraq report, to give them the chance to reply.
So maybe we'll know what its conclusions are by ... next Autumn?!
Well according to the Independent the inquiry into how Tony Blair committed Britain to war in Iraq is set to challenge the official version of events when it reports later this year. The team led by Sir John Chilcot, which is examining Britain's part in the US-led invasion, will "challenge previous accounts of what happened", according to senior sources in the inquiry.
The prospect of a report which authoritatively confronts the established narrative from 2002 and 2003 – when Mr Blair sent 45,000 British troops into Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein – will unnerve many senior figures in Whitehall, and others who no longer operate at the heart of government.
By this May, the inquiry team expects to begin contacting those individuals who will be directly criticised in the Iraq report, to give them the chance to reply.
So maybe we'll know what its conclusions are by ... next Autumn?!
