Charlies dodgy influence strikes again

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  • scottycelt

    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
    Well this thread has been going on so long, scotty, a little repetition might be expected and in the Christian way of things, forgiven

    What about the Daily Mail, scotty? Good enough for you?
    Nope, it is all ... 'likely to have been discussed' ... "it is said" ... "it is understood" ... all that sort of vague journalistic stuff ...

    From Fox Noos to the Daily Mail ... talk about reaching desperate stage, amsey!


    • Ferretfancy
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3487

      It has been said before that when we drink water from our tap we are drinking from a supply which has been through other people's bodies several times already. If so, what happens to all those aqueous memories that homoeopathy describe? Does the water develop amnesia as it goes through the pipes?


      • teamsaint
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        • Nov 2010
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        Originally posted by Ferretfancy View Post
        It has been said before that when we drink water from our tap we are drinking from a supply which has been through other people's bodies several times already. If so, what happens to all those aqueous memories that homoeopathy describe? Does the water develop amnesia as it goes through the pipes?
        Perhaps it doesn't.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
          Nope, it is all ... 'likely to have been discussed' ... "it is said" ... "it is understood" ... all that sort of vague journalistic stuff ...

          From Fox Noos to the Daily Mail ... talk about reaching desperate stage, amsey!
          So the accounts of Christ's teachings are verbatim, on-the-spot accounts of the water-into-wine, loaves-and-fishes, pick-up-your-futon-and-stride-out miracles are they?

          Pull up a double standard and sit down, old man - take the weight off your lofty principles


          • Vile Consort
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 696

            If these diluted-away chemicals were potent, we would have to be an awful lot more careful about water treatment than we actually are. Presumably, somebody pouring away the unused portion of a homoeopathic cure in (say) Reading would have detectable medical effects in London.

            In fact, washing wouldn't work either, because the more you washed, the more potent the effluent in the water would become.

            Maybe it doesn't work if you don't do the shaking properly. But in that case, what's going on is closer to magic or witchcraft than to chemistry.


            • Simon

              Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
              So the accounts of Christ's teachings are verbatim, on-the-spot accounts of the water-into-wine, loaves-and-fishes, pick-up-your-futon-and-stride-out miracles are they?
              The point that sc has been making is, I'm sure, clear to most of us Am51. Namely that you shouldn't use generalist journalism to try to buttress specific points. It doesn't work, at least for people of intelligence.

              Nor does attempting to muddy the waters by bringing in 2000 year-old writings. Though even there you have shot yourself in the foot. Most scholars, even atheists, accept that many of the gospel writings fit historical patterns of accurate reporting.


              • MrGongGong
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 18357

                Originally posted by Vile Consort View Post
                If these diluted-away chemicals were potent, we would have to be an awful lot more careful about water treatment than we actually are. Presumably, somebody pouring away the unused portion of a homoeopathic cure in (say) Reading would have detectable medical effects in London.
                And a massive dose in New Zealand
                Actually if the more something is diluted the stronger it is then that accounts from all the folks who rush screaming with their hands over their ears every time Feldman's music is played


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by Simon View Post
                  The point that sc has been making is, I'm sure, clear to most of us Am51. Namely that you shouldn't use generalist journalism to try to buttress specific points. It doesn't work, at least for people of intelligence.

                  Nor does attempting to muddy the waters by bringing in 2000 year-old writings. Though even there you have shot yourself in the foot. Most scholars, even atheists, accept that many of the gospel writings fit historical patterns of accurate reporting.
                  So tell me Simon, aside from journalism, how might I obtain the information that scotty seeks?

                  Well here's another good reason why I won't get it, even if I had access to a hyper-intelligent person like you


                  Sorry it's plebian journalism again, Simon but you might almost conclude that he has something to hide

                  What are 'historical patterns of accurate reporting', btw?


                  • Flosshilde
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                    • Nov 2010
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                    Originally posted by Simon View Post
                    The point that sc has been making is, I'm sure, clear to most of us Am51.
                    Scotty's point is rather elusive - it seems to change whenever anyone makes a reasoned response. Refute one of his arguments, and a hundred others spring up in its place.


                    • scottycelt

                      Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                      Scotty's point is rather elusive - it seems to change whenever anyone makes a reasoned response. Refute one of his arguments, and a hundred others spring up in its place.
                      Crikey, I didn't realise I was quite that mentally dynamic, Flossie ...

                      I've really only made one point regarding the story itself ... that reported factual lobbying by a charity which Charles set up should not be confused with any alleged personal lobbying by Charles himself.

                      That point will be neither elusive to anyone with even just half a brain nor has been subject to any change.

                      I am still awaiting a reasoned response/refutation from 'anyone'.


                      • Ferretfancy
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3487

                        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                        So the accounts of Christ's teachings are verbatim, on-the-spot accounts of the water-into-wine, loaves-and-fishes, pick-up-your-futon-and-stride-out miracles are they?

                        Pull up a double standard and sit down, old man - take the weight off your lofty principles
                        Interesting sn't it ? Apart from one obscure reference in Josephus, nothing was written down about Christ until about sixty years after his death, and yet scotty and his pals
                        still try to convince us that they really know his mind from the Gospels. On the other hand, verifiable facts which are in the here and now on homoeopathy or indeed homosexuality, or any other "ity", can be denied quite casually


                        • MrGongGong
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 18357

                          That's "Faith" for you Ferret


                          • scottycelt

                            Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                            So tell me Simon, aside from journalism, how might I obtain the information that scotty seeks?

                            Well here's another good reason why I won't get it, even if I had access to a hyper-intelligent person like you


                            Sorry it's plebian journalism again, Simon but you might almost conclude that he has something to hide
                            Unlike amsey, desperately trawling the internet for any scrap of comfort he can come across, scotty is not seeking any particular information.

                            He (scotty) has merely commented on the Guardian article so helpfully provided by the OP.

                            Nowhere does it confirm that Prince Charles did any personal lobbying, as appears to be claimed here, so he (scotty) completely fails to see what this fuss is supposed to be all about ...


                            • amateur51

                              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                              Unlike amsey, desperately trawling the internet for any scrap of comfort he can come across, scotty is not seeking any particular information.

                              He (scotty) has merely commented on the Guardian article so helpfully provided by the OP.

                              Nowhere does it confirm that Prince Charles did any personal lobbying, as appears to be claimed here, so he (scotty) completely fails to see what this fuss is supposed to be all about ...
                              HRH has persuaded the Information Commissioner that his lobbying letters (evidence) should not be published ker-pow! there is no evidence.

                              There is no evidence that Prince Charles dresses himself in the morning and yet by lunchtime most days there's plentiful evidence of his being dressed.

                              He got some bloke to do it for him


                              • ahinton
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 16122

                                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                                And a massive dose in New Zealand
                                Actually if the more something is diluted the stronger it is then that accounts from all the folks who rush screaming with their hands over their ears every time Feldman's music is played
                                Do some folks really do that in such circumstances? Is it really necessary? I do not seek to blame Feldman for the greater sillinesses of this issue but I have to admit that homoeopathic doses of Feldman are the best, f not the only, way in which to take his work in, to my ears; sorry, but waiting a long time for almost nothing to happen may be all very well but it's not what I usually want from a musical experience...

