i thought episode one was enjoyable, and sylvia plath frequently made me laugh.
don't forget that it was Lowell who "gave her permission to give us permission".
that's a highly contentious theory ferneyhoughgeliebte.
the volume concludes as if the work is pointing to the biography was the first event that moved the emphasis from The Poetry to The Person). But there's so little discussion of this - instead, it's all reduced to Gwynneth Paltrow proportions.
sylvia - the moooovie.
don't forget that it was Lowell who "gave her permission to give us permission".
that's a highly contentious theory ferneyhoughgeliebte.
the volume concludes as if the work is pointing to the biography was the first event that moved the emphasis from The Poetry to The Person). But there's so little discussion of this - instead, it's all reduced to Gwynneth Paltrow proportions.
