Gay marriage thread

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  • mangerton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
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    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    I think technically it is a 'representative democracy' - we just elect representatives not delegates who are 'delegated' to vote in ways that their constituents want.

    According to Wiki, "Theorists such as Edmund Burke believe that part of the duty of a representative was not simply to communicate the wishes of the electorate but also to use their own judgement in the exercise of their powers, even if their views are not reflective of those of a majority of voters."
    Yes, that is my understanding. MPs are not delegates.


    • scottycelt

      Originally posted by Stephen Whitaker View Post
      The argument that MPs who voted against are obviously following their conscience and coming to the only logical conclusion based on their faith
      and are therefore more honourable than those who (allegedly) tamely marched in tune to the noisy, screeching mob-rule of a single gay rights campaigner
      is needlessly insulting to the many MPs who voted yes as a result of their own conscience and beliefs.

      By all means disagree with your opponents on grounds of fact or faith but do not seek to win your argument merely by belittling your opponents sincerity,
      or by seeking to identify the widespread and broad-based sympathisers with the pro gay marriage campaign, with a single person.
      I was responding in my own sledgehammer sort of way to silly personal insults directed against the MP concerned . She was derided because, as a Catholic, her decision was based on the moral principles of the Church of which she is a member. According to our well-informed Flossie the Pope and 'her priest' happen to think the same on the issue. Surprise Surprise & Shock Horror.

      If Lib Dem MP Sarah Teather is to be mocked by voting in accordance with her moral principles, and therefore deemed by others to be 'guilty by association' with the horrid Pope and 'her priest', I see no reason why this should not also apply to the 'pro-gay marriage' sympathisers and the likes of the screeching Mr Tatchell.

      Sorry if I caused any offence to you by pointing this out but we must be always fair and equitable, isn't that right, Stephen ... ?


      • Beef Oven

        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
        I blame the EU
        it's all their fault !!!

        All I meant really was that there is a pretence of representation
        politicians represent

        1: Themselves and their place in history (Blair wants a chapter not a footnote)
        2: Their mates
        3: Their party
        4: maybe the people who vote for them
        5: Their constituents who didn't vote for them ....... (seldom have any representation)

        which is fine as long as one is aware of this ......
        Agreed. So what shall we do?


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
          I was responding in my own sledgehammer sort of way to silly personal insults directed against the MP concerned . She was derided because, as a Catholic, her decision was based on the moral principles of the Church of which she is a member. According to our well-informed Flossie the Pope and 'her priest' happen to think the same on the issue. Surprise Surprise & Shock Horror.

          If Lib Dem MP Sarah Teather is to be mocked by voting in accordance with her moral principles, and therefore deemed by others to be 'guilty by association' with the horrid Pope and 'her priest', I see no reason why this should not also apply to the 'pro-gay marriage' sympathisers and the likes of the screeching Mr Tatchell.

          Sorry if I caused any offence to you by pointing this out but we must be always fair and equitable, isn't that right, Stephen ... ?
          I was chiding (not mocking, scotty) her because she said one thing on her website, and then changed her mind when she remembered what Protect the Pope wanted and what she imagined some of her constituents from other religious fathis would think. To be so inconsistent in public is foolish and bizarre and quite unnecessary - unless you're crazy for publicity.


          • scottycelt

            Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
            I was chiding (not mocking, scotty) her because she said one thing on her website, and then changed her mind when she remembered what Protect the Pope wanted and what she imagined some of her constituents from other religious fathis would think. To be so inconsistent in public is foolish and bizarre and quite unnecessary - unless you're crazy for publicity.
            Funnily enough, I wasn't referring to you on this occasion, amsey ...

            That point is perfectly valid. However she ended up having to decide between her religious ethics and her liberal instincts and she chose the former. I think it would have been much easier for her to chose the latter despite the Moslem vote in her constituency. Hence my stated admiration.

            Ian Duncan Smith, who also happens to be a Catholic, chose the easier route. That is entirely up to him but I can't see how he can possibly square that decision with his professed beliefs. Not entirely unusual for a politician, I readily agree.

            Right or wrong in her decision, at least Ms Teather has sound logic on her side?


            • amateur51

              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
              Funnily enough, I wasn't referring to you on this occasion, amsey ...

              That point is perfectly valid. However she ended up having to decide between her religious ethics and her liberal instincts and she chose the former. I think it would have been much easier for her to chose the latter despite the Moslem vote in her constituency. Hence my stated admiration.

              Ian Duncan Smith, who also happens to be a Catholic, chose the easier route. That is entirely up to him but I can't see how he can possibly square that decision with his professed beliefs. Not entirely unusual for a politician, I readily agree.

              Right or wrong in her decision, at least Ms Teather has sound logic on her side?
              Ah the spectre of pragmatic Catholicism, in the same week that the body of King Richard III is discovered ...spoo-ooooky


              • Black Swan

                Very interesting discussion here. I am a mix. I am in favor of Gay Marriage and against the Death Penalty. I am an Anglo/American, but have to say I find discussions on MP's having strong beliefs, etc that guide their voting a bit comical. However, I will have to say maybe this is my exposure to the US political system. My feeling toward all politicians and particularly in the states was best stated by Mark Twain in a speech.

                'Let's say I am a member of congress and let's say I'm an idiot. Excuse me I repeat myself'.


                • scottycelt

                  Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                  So I guess one concludes that intelligence decreases with age (over the age of 55)
                  and men are more likely to be unpleasant (68%)

                  I'm not sure how this has any bearing on the wonderful news that we are going to have equal marriage ?
                  but raise a glass to the end of bigotry
                  What shocking sexism and ageism, MrGG. Whether your claims are true or not I've always understood that we must never, ever say such nasty things especially as it might be most upsetting to others (and very likely the majority of valued members here) and, in any case, we are all equal, remember? At least that's what I thought. ...

                  I'm actually at the moment re-reading George Orwell's Animal Farm and I think I'm beginning now to get your idea of 'equality' which hitherto I've always found extremely difficult to grasp. Maybe I should have followed your example and had the occasional sip of the rather superior Talisker instead of the more commonplace Bells?

                  Anyway, I'm sure we're all thrilled and delighted to read that that you are now going to have an equal marriage, Mr GG. All members, I'm sure, will join in the congratulations and celebrations ..

                  Not being nosey, but who was guilty of the 'bigotry' in your marriage .. surely it couldn't have been your good lady as to even suggest such a thing would be most unfair and inequitable.?


                  • MrGongGong
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
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                    Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                    What shocking sexism and ageism, MrGG. Whether your claims are true or not
                    NOt my claims
                    just some made up tosh from under the bridge

                    are you the one to get the "string em up" brigade back on task ?


                    • amateur51

                      Oh what a lovely man ....

                      The Welsh secretary has said gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" in which to raise children.

                      On ITV Wales' Face to Face programme, David Jones said this was why he had voted against the government's legislation for same-sex marriage.

                      The Conservative MP said he was not homophobic and had "people in my life who are important to me who are gay"

                      Welsh Secretary David Jones says gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" to raise children.

                      He probably baulks when people call him a bigot too


                      • Ferretfancy
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
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                        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                        Oh what a lovely man ....

                        The Welsh secretary has said gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" in which to raise children.

                        On ITV Wales' Face to Face programme, David Jones said this was why he had voted against the government's legislation for same-sex marriage.

                        The Conservative MP said he was not homophobic and had "people in my life who are important to me who are gay"

                        Welsh Secretary David Jones says gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" to raise children.

                        He probably baulks when people call him a bigot too
                        It's time we elected MPs who can be bothered to look at objective evidence. Over the last few years there have been several studies which indicate that the children of gay couples are just as likely to grow up happily as those of heterosexual couples. This is not surprising, since by definition such children are likely to be very much wanted --no accidental pregnancies.
                        I despair sometimes !


                        • jean
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
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                          Why just Gay Marriage?


                          • Barbirollians
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
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                            Originally posted by Ferretfancy View Post
                            It's time we elected MPs who can be bothered to look at objective evidence. Over the last few years there have been several studies which indicate that the children of gay couples are just as likely to grow up happily as those of heterosexual couples. This is not surprising, since by definition such children are likely to be very much wanted --no accidental pregnancies.
                            I despair sometimes !
                            Surely Cameron will have to dismiss him .


                            • scottycelt

                              Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                              Oh what a lovely man ....

                              The Welsh secretary has said gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" in which to raise children.

                              On ITV Wales' Face to Face programme, David Jones said this was why he had voted against the government's legislation for same-sex marriage.

                              The Conservative MP said he was not homophobic and had "people in my life who are important to me who are gay"

                              Welsh Secretary David Jones says gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" to raise children.

                              He probably baulks when people call him a bigot too
                              Well, obviously he isn't a 'bigot' as your second-last sentence indicates, amsey ...

                              However, even if he were, I would hope that most of us here are in favour of free expression (even for 'bigots') and would condemn those who seek to bully and intimidate others into coming around to their way of thinking.

                              Mr Jones is perfectly entitled to his opinion even if it offends the politically-correct sensitivities of others. Those who cry 'bigot' invariably never seem to bother over-much who they, themselves, offend and are often the most intolerant of all. as some of the hysterical reactions to Mr Jones's comments clearly demonstrate.


                              • jean
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
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                                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                                ...The Welsh secretary has said gay couples "clearly" cannot provide a "warm and safe environment" in which to raise children...
                                The point is that there is evidence to show that he is, factually, wrong.

                                For that reason I do not think

                                Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                                Mr Jones is perfectly entitled to his opinion...

