Scotland gave that away ... they do have it in them to win such games but tactics and execution were off the plot ...
Six Nations 2013
oh well a long day's journey into night on the sofa watching the last three matches of this year's championship ...
er without prejudice or malignant sentiment of any kind toward any region of these islands if the England side were to stuff their opponents well and truly this afternoon i would be very chuffed etc ... ahem ....
and come on Scotland whack the French!
ahem ... embarrassing these primordial affinities innit ....According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Italy V Ireland what a wonderful game, I'm so pleased for Italy but equally sorry for Ireland, although they didn't play well today.
And now for the big one
Congratulations to Italy on a well deserved second win in the 6N, they've improved so much, I feel sorry for Ireland but they lost composure and discipline and of course, no team should suffer so many injuries.
Half-time Wales v England and gosh, I'm totally exhausted watching it! Had to step outside for a break, goodness knows what the final result will be!
Originally posted by Anna View PostHalf-time Wales v England and gosh, I'm totally exhausted watching it! Had to step outside for a break, goodness knows what the final result will be!
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
It's Clive Woodward ('Mister Woodwind' as he is known in a famous Welsh tale) who gets to me
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
er without prejudice or malignant sentiment of any kind toward any region of these islands if the England side were to stuff their opponents well and truly this afternoon i would be very chuffed etc ... ahem ....
and come on Scotland whack the French!
ahem ... embarrassing these primordial affinities innit ....
That's all I'm saying calum
Four of the Italian players were born in Argentina, so I suspect not the Maradonna hand of God in this but the hand of Pope Francis.
Wales v England. As I was out and about this morning all were nervous about the result, England by a small margin, they did say. Remind me of the score, I have quite forgot!
And if Scotland defeat France, then God's in His Heaven and All is Right in the Word!