How many hours do you listen to R3 each day?

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  • Mary Chambers
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1963

    For some reason I usually listen to Private Passions. Otherwise it depends what's on - I always check the Radio Times. Today I've listened a lot, several hours, but that's fairly unusual.


    • Roehre

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      Today is unusual for me as I've been listening to R3 since 9am starting with CD Review, then progessing to Ian Bostridge's talk about Britten. My plan is to listen for another couple of hours, so that'll be 6 or more hours, with at least moderate attention to what's on offer. Currently listening to Sudbin's recital, and I'm interested in the Japanese oriented programme which will follow.

      Normally my exposure to R3 is considerably less. Work and other people are at least two factors, and some days I only listen for a few minutes - certainly less than an hour.

      I don't think I could listen to very long stretches of R3 every day - I'd want to go and do other things - as opposed to having to do other things.

      I'd be interested to read other's comments about this.
      I select as far as possible what I want to listen to in advance - my spare time is too precious to spill either on music I know well or on programmes with unknown contents. That's why I always browse extensively through Andrew Slater's lists on Friday nights.
      Most days I hardly listen to R3, rarely long , but today e.g. the Early Music show and Hear & Now were (partly) listened to, in total nearly two hours, and H&N's 2nd half is to be listened to through iPlayer . Most of the time it its TtN which attracts most of my attention.


      • Nick Armstrong
        • Nov 2010
        • 26356

        I think it's about 2 hours a day during the week, inc 60 - 90 mins listening to and from work. If there's a good live concert, that will get a listen later.

        Saturdays more: CD Review is a must, but not all 'live' - I record it to the SD card in the digital radio and listen over the weekend. I also catch up with Early Music Show, Music Matters and Words & Music on the respective podcasts or via the iPlayer. So I guess about 8 hours' worth over the average weekend...
        "...the isle is full of noises,
        Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
        Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
        Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


        • Frances_iom
          Full Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 2409

          usually the evening concert, + most COTW slots on weekdays - if in UK try to catch chamber rmusic at midday or at least part of it tho it does depend somewhat what is being performed.
          Usually sat night opera + try to catch Early Music slot tho sometimes this clashes with other plans - Sunday is mostly little R3 - if in IoM try to catch part of EM whilst on way to walking group meet but otherwise no regular slots (I'm afraid radio drama does little for me)
          (I guess I should use iPlayer more! - TTN via iPlayer was great when I was prevented from other activities over Xmas)


          • Thropplenoggin

            Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View Post
            A fine question.

            It depends. Each week I scan the weekly schedule to see what's of interest. Generally, my eyes head to:

            - the Lunchtime Concert schedule
            - CD Review
            - Evening Concert
            - Through The Night
            - In Tune (depending on guests)

            If I like what's listed, I'll make an effort to tune in for that.

            Other listening is random. If I'm in the kitchen doing something, R3 goes on. Such happenstance has allowed me to fight weird prejudices and discover that I actually like Mozart (and others) when I let the music speak for itself. If something terribly twee is being played, or some banal presenter-listener badinage is in progress, I'll switch to R4. But R4 I can only take in small doses and specific programmes (e.g. A Good Read)

            Otherwise, I'll listen to whichever podcasts are available to me on my Pure Oneflow radio here in France. Sadly, not all of them. Music Matters, for instance, which always looks pretty interesting, isn't available on the continent. Yet CD Review is! I'm not such a fan of listening to iPlayer via headphones online.

            Around 10-15 hours a week.

