How many hours do you listen to R3 each day?

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 17874

    How many hours do you listen to R3 each day?

    Today is unusual for me as I've been listening to R3 since 9am starting with CD Review, then progessing to Ian Bostridge's talk about Britten. My plan is to listen for another couple of hours, so that'll be 6 or more hours, with at least moderate attention to what's on offer. Currently listening to Sudbin's recital, and I'm interested in the Japanese oriented programme which will follow.

    Normally my exposure to R3 is considerably less. Work and other people are at least two factors, and some days I only listen for a few minutes - certainly less than an hour.

    I don't think I could listen to very long stretches of R3 every day - I'd want to go and do other things - as opposed to having to do other things.

    I'd be interested to read other's comments about this.
  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 36875

    For me it varies so much that I cannot make a pronouncement.


    • Anna

      No set pattern. Today I switched on around 8.30 until 10.30 when I went out. Switched back on around midday, then off and caught news on tv, lunch and tidying up. Back on again for last part of concert and Saturday Classics, JRR on now then it goes off once the opera starts until tomorrow when it'll probably be on for Breakfast and Sunday, then off until concert and CE, then off. Buts that's a wintry weekend listening when it's not conducive to going out. And although it's on I cannot say it's listening attentively to all of it as I'm usually doing other things at the same time.

      Weekdays, as I'm an early riser, it's sometimes the very last bit of TTN and the first bit of Breakfast, evenings depend on what concert is broadcast and who CotW is. As a rough estimate I'd say I listen around 20-27 hours a week. Do you count catching up on iplayer or just listening live?


      • EdgeleyRob
        • Nov 2010
        • 12180

        If we mean live, some days it is as little as a few seconds.
        I leave for work around 7 each morning and always put radio 3 on in the car and usually switch it off and put a cd on.
        Same on the way home around 4.30.
        I do listen to some TTN,lunchtime concerts,BAL or evening concerts on Iplayer though.


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25104

          mostly in the car when working, so it varies. I listen more when there is music that i find interesting, rather unsurprisingly.
          So not much on Thursday afternoons, or before 9.00 am.
          also a couple of concerts a weeks on iplayer.
          I would listen to In Tune a lot more if .... well just if...

          The only speech programmes are the "discovering music " type things,which are seldom.
          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

          I am not a number, I am a free man.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 36875

            TTN is on all through every night on the little bedside radio alarm that keeps my insomnia company. I guess if one were to define "listen" to include absorption in sleep a la Brave New World, that would bump up my listening time quite a lot!


            • EdgeleyRob
              • Nov 2010
              • 12180

              Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
              mostly in the car when working, so it varies. I listen more when there is music that i find interesting, rathe unsurprisingly.
              So not much on Thursday afternoons, or before 9.00 am.
              also a couple of concerts a weeks on iplayer.
              I would listen to In Tune a lot more if .... well just if...

              It would be so much better if....well just if.


              • Don Petter

                Originally posted by EdgeleyRob View Post
                If we mean live, some days it is as little as a few seconds.
                I leave for work around 7 each morning and always put radio 3 on in the car and usually switch it off and put a cd on.
                Same on the way home around 4.30.
                Your experience sounds similar to mine.

                Apart from CD Review, which I listen to right through, as far as circumstances permit, I only ever switch on in the car. Then I find that as soon as the music stops, I almost invariably switch to a CD because of the presentation, either through content or personnel.


                • VodkaDilc

                  MUCH less than I did in the past. The last week has been unusual and I have found two long stretches which I have wanted to listen to over an extended period (and I mean 'listen" - not "allow to wash over", Classic FM-style.):

                  1 The excellent Creation performance, followed by Choral Evensong, last Sunday - helped by the snow putting more active alternatives out of the question.

                  2 This morning's CD Review, largely, I think, devoted to Britten. The full three hours is recorded and awaiting a convenient free spot.

                  This is how I listened to R3 thirty or forty years ago. Now it's not meant for serious listening for large periods of the day.


                  • Thropplenoggin

                    A fine question.

                    It depends. Each week I scan the weekly schedule to see what's of interest. Generally, my eyes head to:

                    - the Lunchtime Concert schedule
                    - CD Review
                    - Evening Concert
                    - Through The Night
                    - In Tune (depending on guests)

                    If I like what's listed, I'll make an effort to tune in for that.

                    Other listening is random. If I'm in the kitchen doing something, R3 goes on. Such happenstance has allowed me to fight weird prejudices and discover that I actually like Mozart (and others) when I let the music speak for itself. If something terribly twee is being played, or some banal presenter-listener badinage is in progress, I'll switch to R4. But R4 I can only take in small doses and specific programmes (e.g. A Good Read)

                    Otherwise, I'll listen to whichever podcasts are available to me on my Pure Oneflow radio here in France. Sadly, not all of them. Music Matters, for instance, which always looks pretty interesting, isn't available on the continent. Yet CD Review is! I'm not such a fan of listening to iPlayer via headphones online.


                    • antongould
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 8681

                      About 25 to 30 hours a week - shamefully in these parts mostly between 06.30 and noon unless a concert catches my eye........


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6238

                        1 hour per day(if averaged over a week i.e 7 hours a week)....I'd listen a great deal more if there was more early music, small ensembles, choral....

               must be with many posters, I am on line longer than I listen to R3....
                        Last edited by eighthobstruction; 26-01-13, 20:02.
                        bong ching


                        • Anna

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          TTN is on all through every night on the little bedside radio alarm that keeps my insomnia company. I guess if one were to define "listen" to include absorption in sleep a la Brave New World, that would bump up my listening time quite a lot!
                          S_A, I used to do that, radio set very low by bed, drifting in and out of sleep to TTN. Since I've stopped doing it I now sleep peacefully through the night, I found not drawing the curtains and drifting occasionally in and out to the stars and the moon through the window once or at most twice was much more effective than Jonathan Swain ...


                          • Petrushka
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 12014

                            Work permits me to catch just Performance on 3 during the week and I do that in a highly discriminating fashion by listening only when of interest. If not, I set up my own CD programme. I now either catch the Sunday repeat of Choral Evensong or record the live Wednesday relay which I usually play on Sunday anyway at a time to suit.

                            During the summer I listen to many of the Proms which sees a major increase in time devoted to R3 but other than that I'd put my average weekly listen at two hours at most.
                            "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                            • Old Grumpy
                              Full Member
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 3392

                              Two to 3h weekdays in car on way to/from work. The odd Performance on 3 when it takes my fancy. Weekends - Early Music Show and Jazz when I'm in/awake. I catch the rest on iplayer. Total 14-20 h per week estimated.


