David Cameron's Europe Speech
Beef Oven
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostNo that's Everest, much further to the east of our huge continent of Eurasia.
But further to your point, Israel regards itself as European when it suits them; e.g. The Eurovision Song Contest.
viewed best with audio downround about 50 seconds, nigel starts to really shows us what he's made of! hollow aluminium? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2vuWkOerAc unfortunately, despite everything, he doesn't expose any rings either, (he just wanted to take the opportunity to draw attention to himself)? ...
Beef Oven
Originally posted by handsomefortune View Postviewed best with audio downround about 50 seconds, nigel starts to really shows us what he's made of! hollow aluminium? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2vuWkOerAc unfortunately, despite everything, he doesn't expose any rings either, (he just wanted to take the opportunity to draw attention to himself)? ...
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostEurope doesn't exist, though the EU clearly does.
I've bored people to death for many years challenging the convention than Europe is a continent, which it clearly is not - merely the western bit of Asia.
It seems that the Bosporus is responsible, having been close to where the earliest reasonable world maps were made. That was where the division between the continents was first made, but the Black Sea is really quote small, so later the artificial boundary between the so-called continents was drawn through the Caspian Sea and any mountain ranges that could be found - the Urals and the Caucasus. So imprecise is this arrangement that no-one is really sure whether Mont Blanc or Mt.
Elbrus is the highest mountain in the "continent" of Europe.
Maybe Europe is only really a sub-continent and therefore has more in common with India?
And therefore the UK has maybe much more in common with New Zealand as the Daily Express has always insisted?
Lord Beaverbrook I salute you posthumously, Sir!
Originally posted by Beef Oven View PostThis is better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqovTGjYjM4
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostI heard Nigel Farage saying last week that he thought that this performance was a bit over the top
Surely we can all indulge ranting, frothing-at-the mouth political clowns just for a bit?
After all he's only the Right's answer to Denis Skinner, and it hardly comes as any great surprise that both these political clowns are united on the issue of Europe, as well as just ranting and frothing-at-the-mouth.
Let's make occasional room for these relatively harmless political clowns ... nothing wrong with a bit of raucous parliamentary entertainment now and again?